
August 10, 2016

Following Trauma, Arkansas Woman Hopes to Counsel Others

Katrina Dupins

Janet Boxx (center) with her husband, David, and three daughters, Gracen (far left), Bethany and Katelyn (far right). Gracen was severely injured in a 2013 car accident in which her sisters died.

Aug. 10, 2016 | Life for the Boxx family changed dramatically on Dec. 26, 2013. Janet Boxx, her husband, David, their three children and an international student were traveling from Kansas City and were almost to their Bentonville home when they were involved in a three-vehicle accident just outside the Arkansas border. “The truck pulled…

August 5, 2016

Artificial Cornea Procedure Restores Arkansas Woman’s Vision


Aug. 5, 2016 | An artificial cornea procedure, offered at UAMS Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute, has allowed Jessica Ferguson to see again. Ferguson, 28, was working with bleach at a salon in 2006 when a chemical burn occurred that would alter the next several years of her life. “I put the bleach in a bowl,…

July 26, 2016

Sickle Cell Program Going Strong

Ben Boulden

Pooja Motwani, M.D., left, and Megan Davis, M.D., on July 1 became co-directors of the UAMS Adult Sickle Cell Clinical Program.

July 26, 2016 | William Cooney, 66, has stuck with UAMS for 63 years as a sickle cell patient because he said over decades of change it has consistently provided him with the care he needs. Through transformations inside and outside of UAMS, including moving the hospital from McAlmont Street to today’s campus in 1956,…

July 18, 2016

Pine Bluff Man Confident after Significant Scar Removal

Katrina Dupins

July 18, 2016 | His mother calls him the “selfie king,” and says she could not be more pleased with the fact that her son Terrance Griffin, 28, feels confident in his looks. For many years, the Pine Bluff man was embarrassed and lived in a bubble because he had significant keloid scarring on his…

July 5, 2016

UAMS Ophthalmologist Rids Little Rock Woman of Pain


July 5, 2016 | There was no aspect of Zantiel Mooney’s life not affected by the excruciating pain she felt in her left eye. Though she has temporarily lost sight in the eye, the work of UAMS cornea and uveitis specialist, Tayyeba Ali, M.D., took away the pain while ensuring she could keep the eye….

June 16, 2016

Screening Catches Carotid Artery Blockage in Time

Yavonda Chase

Robert Tunaitis shows Matthew Smeds, M.D., where his neck is tender following surgery to clear blockage from his carotid artery.

“I was a stroke waiting to happen.”
That is how Robert “Bob” Tunaitis of Maumelle describes his health when he went in last year for a free peripheral artery disease (PAD) screening offered by UAMS.

June 10, 2016

Smokers Kick the Habit with Help From UAMS

Susan Van Dusen

June 10, 2016 | The year 1982 was a turning point for Michele Lovett. Her parents divorced, and the 16 year old found herself with a new group of friends. Her teenage routine now included weekend trips to the mall, where she and her friends could smoke cigarettes undetected by their parents.

June 2, 2016

New Device Provides Wider, High-Resolution Image of Retina


Tonya Hooks

June 2, 2016 | Tonya Hooks, of Little Rock, had never experienced any sort of trouble with her eye sight, so when she noticed spots that were not going away, she was concerned. Diagnosed with lupus in 2013, she was warned by her doctor that some of the long-term effects of the chronic, autoimmune disease…

May 12, 2016

Stroke Program Helps Lower Arkansas to Sixth from First in Stroke Deaths

Ben Boulden

Stroke Program Helps Lower Arkansas to Sixth from First in Stroke Deaths

May 12, 2016 | Arkansas recently fell to sixth in the nation in the number of stroke deaths per capita after many years in first place, a huge improvement that health officials credit in part to a statewide telemedicine program of stroke education and treatment. The program — Arkansas Stroke Assistance through Virtual Emergency Support, or…

May 9, 2016

Star City Man First at UAMS to Receive Z-Fen Graft

Benjamin Waldrum

May 9, 2016 | Glenn Harvey didn’t know he had an aortic aneurysm. Thanks to a new procedure, performed for the first time at UAMS in March, he still can’t feel a thing. Mohammed Moursi, M.D., chief of vascular surgery and program director of the vascular surgery residency program at UAMS, performed the procedure on…

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