Free Retirement Planning Seminar at UAMS June 2
| style="text-align: left;">LITTLE ROCK – The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) will cosponsor “Healthy, Wealthy and Wise: A Retirement Planning Seminar for Baby Boomers” Monday, June 2, 4:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.
The free seminar will include presentations, exhibits, blood pressure screenings and dinner. The event will be in the Sam Walton Auditorium in the Arkansas Cancer Research Center at UAMS. Seating is limited. Registration is required by Fri., May 30. Call 501-686-6363 or e-mail
The topics and speakers will be the following:
“Aging Well”, Jeanne Wei, M.D., Ph.D., Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging, UAMS; “Is it too Late to Plan Your Retirement,” Robert Plummer, Senior Vice President, Pulaski Bank and Trust Co.; “Social Security by the Numbers,” Joyce Lanoue, Social Security Administration; “How to Get That Legal Advantage,” Melanie Grayson, J.D., Grayson and Grayson Law Firm; “Prolonged Health Through Diet and Exercise,” Joanne Kiehn, R.D., and Vicki McNeill, M.S., P.T., Donald W. Reynolds Center on Aging.
Co-sponsors of the seminar are AARP Arkansas, Outlook Pointe, and the Pulaski Bank and Trust Co