UAMS Scientist to Discuss Exercise for Elderly Dec. 9

By todd

Peterson will speak on “The Role of Inflammatory Response in Muscle Adaptation to Exercise in the Elderly” Tues., Dec. 9, noon-1 p.m. in Sam Walton Auditorium on the 10th floor of the Arkansas Cancer Research Center (ACRC) at UAMS.

The free lecture will be for scientific faculty, students, researchers, and health care professionals, but the public is welcome. Lunch will be provided for the first 70 attendees.

Peterson has demonstrated through her research that stem cells in muscles tend to turn into fat-like cells as people age. This may contribute to frailty and reduced ability to recover from muscle injuries. She is part of a team of scientists studying whether the same genes are at work in muscle loss, bone loss, and memory loss, and other common factors.

Those visiting from off-campus for the lecture can park in the Outpatient Parking Deck, located across Jack Stephens Drive from ACRC. Parking will be validated for those who sign in at the lecture.