Nursing Group Collecting Plastic Bags for Service Project

By David Robinson

 Dana Hobby, R.N., collects a bag of 750 plastic shopping bags that will be crocheted into a sleep mat and given to area homeless people.

Nov. 1, 2010 | The Image Council of the UAMS Professional Nursing Organization is collecting plastic shopping bags as part of a community service project.

The bags will be used to make sleep mats for the homeless. The mats are very light, easy to carry, and drier than a blanket. The mats also provide a more padded surface for sleeping. Recipients of sleep mats say they are very comfortable and are a hot commodity.

You can help by bringing plastic bags to the collection boxes located at:
• UAMS Medical Center Nursing Units
• Staff Education Office, 8th floor, Central Hospital
• Nurse Recruitment Office, 1st Floor, Ward Towers
• College of Nursing, 5th floor, EDII
• ED II Library Lobby, 1st floor
• CHRP Student Study Center
• CHRP Administration West Building
• EDII G Level Corridor
• Residence Hall North and South
• COPH Student Lounge (By Boulevard Bread)

Image Council member Dana Hobby, R.N., said the project grew out of a chance conversation with a patient family member she saw crocheting one of the sleep mats.

“I thought ‘what a wonderful community service project this could be as well as a recycling project,’ ” Hobby said.

She proposed the project to the council, which adopted a plastic bag collection drive through the holidays. Each mat requires 750 plastic bags.

The Image Council has partnered with three community organizations that will crochet the plastic bags into sleep mats while local churches will distribute the mats to the homeless at the Broadway Bridge location. In addition, UAMS will provide mats for use for the homeless patients in need at the UAMS Emergency Department.

For questions, contact Dana Hobby at 686-5284.