Gala for Life Honors Pryors, Raises More than $1 Million for UAMS Cancer Institute

By Holland Doran

Honorees Sen. David and Barbara Pryor (third and fourth from left) with (from left) James C. Yuen, M.D.; Peter Emanuel, M.D.; James Y. Suen, M.D.; Sen. Mark Pryor; and Kent Westbrook, M.D.

Guests enjoyed a private concert by The Temptations Review Featuring Dennis Edwards.

Master of Ceremonies Craig O’Neill (right) and auctioneer Gaylen McGee entertained the crowd of about 900 guests.

(from left) Gov. Mike and Ginger Beebe with UAMS Chancellor Dan and Lana Rahn at the opening reception.

Sept. 25, 2013 | Gratefulness was the theme of the night Sept. 20 when about 900 people gathered to celebrate the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute’s annual Gala for Life.

Held in the Wally Allen Ballroom of Little Rock’s Statehouse Convention Center, the event raised more than $1 million to support the fight against cancer, specifically in the area of research clinical trials.

“A portion of the proceeds from the Gala for Life will be used to advance our clinical trials program, which is a vitally important to finding new and successful 
cancer treatments,” said Peter Emanuel, M.D., Cancer 
Institute director.

The Cancer Institute offers about 200 clinical trials, giving patients access to treatments not yet available at other cancer centers and providing them the opportunity to work with doctors and scientists in discovering new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer.

Former U.S. Sen. David and Barbara Pryor were honored at the event with the Pat and Willard Walker Tribute Award. The Pryors’ son, U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor, was diagnosed with sarcoma about 17 years ago and was successfully treated at the UAMS Cancer Institute.

Sen. David Pryor was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1966. He became governor of Arkansas in 1974, a position he held for four years. In 1979, he was elected to the United States Senate and served until he retired in 1996.

Barbara Pryor is an accomplished artist and active supporter of the arts, both in Arkansas and nationally.

Presenting sponsor of the event was the Willard and Pat Walker Charitable Foundation. Chairpersons were Jennifer and Steve Ronnel, and Craig O’Neill of KTHV Channel 11 served as master of ceremonies.

The event also featured a live auction and a private concert by The Temptations Review Featuring Dennis Edwards.

View a photo album of the Gala for Life here.