Carol Hodges Named Cancer Institute Volunteer of the Year

By Liz Caldwell

Volunteer of the year Carol Hodges (center) is joined by UAMS’ Janie Lowe (left) and hostess Barbara Hoover.

Long-time Cancer Institute volunteer Paula Jennings (right) with Susan Jones of UAMS.

Oct. 21, 2014 | When Carol Hodges makes a commitment, she keeps it.

That’s why, over the course of many years, she has dedicated more than 4,000 hours of volunteer service to the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Auxiliary. It’s also why she was named the auxiliary’s Volunteer of the Year at the group’s annual fall luncheon Oct. 17, which was held at the home of Barbara Hoover.

“Carol has always kept the Cancer Institute near and dear to her heart. She usually works behind the scenes to make things better for our patients, but her efforts don’t go unnoticed,” said Janie Lowe, director of the UAMS Cancer Institute’s Department of Volunteer Services and Auxiliary.

Hodges previously served as auxiliary president and is a member of the Partners Card committee, helping raise funds for patient support services. Partners Card is the auxiliary’s largest annual fundraiser and offers a 20 percent discount to shoppers at about 200 shops in central and northwest Arkansas from Oct. 24-Nov. 2. One hundred percent of the $50 purchase price for each Partners Card is used to fund grants for programs that support cancer patients.

“Carol is always looking for new ways to expand Partners Card and make it even more successful,” Lowe said.

The auxiliary also recognized long-time volunteer Paula Jennings for 11 years of service on the Partners Card committee. Jennings has coordinated all printing for the fundraiser during that time and will step down from the committee next year.

“Paula has done an outstanding job and worked tirelessly to ensure we have the quality materials for Partners Card each year. We are so thankful for her commitment to the auxiliary,” Lowe said.

Each year, the Cancer Institute Auxiliary selects one outstanding volunteer as Volunteer of the Year. These volunteers give unselfishly of their time and talents to improve the lives of cancer patients and their families.