Comprehensive Eye Care Under One Roof

By Kelly Gardner

After multiple tests, she was diagnosed with sarcoidosis, a vascular condition that can affect many organs, including the eyes. Hundley was puzzled by the diagnosis and began an extensive search to learn about her condition. After discovering a clinical trial conducted by the National Institutes of Health, she believed that was the best option for her medical treatment. Hundley was pleased to find physicians at the Jones Eye Institute who were willing to oversee her care locally while she was participating in the national trial.

As is common with many patients, Hundley’s sarcoidosis developed into uveitis, an inflammation in the eye. She later learned that uveitis can cause glaucoma and cataracts.

Cataracts did occur in both eyes, and Hundley’s vision deteriorated. She could no longer read street signs and do other activities. Richard Harper, M.D., removed her cataracts using the phacoemulsification procedure, and her vision improved substantially.

Hundley also has diabetes, so Harper checks to make sure retinopathy is not developing. Several years ago, Hundley developed double vision, so Harper put prisms in her glasses to correct her vision. He also treats her for dry eyes, which is one of the symptoms of sarcoidosis.

Later, Harper noticed that Hundley’s eyelids were drooping and inhibiting her eyesight. He referred her to his colleague at the Jones Eye Institute, Christopher Westfall, M.D., for an eyelift procedure in 2009.

Hundley knows that she can count on Harper to provide the best care for her eyesight now and in the future. “I can call if I have any questions. I wouldn’t consider seeing anyone else,” Hundley said. “I would ride a camel across the desert to see Dr. Harper.”