UAMS Announcements Get a New Look

By Yavonda Chase

“Effective employee communication is essential to UAMS’ success, “said Leslie Taylor, vice chancellor for communications and marketing. “We realize, however, that message sent is not the same thing as message delivered, especially in an environment as busy as UAMS.

“Our office has been reviewing all of our internal communications tools, including our announcements. Working with Chancellor Patterson and others, we think we have come up with a new look that we hope will be more visually appealing and more user friendly.”

The Office of Communications & Marketing unveiled the new look on Tuesday, Aug. 14. The biweekly email now leads off with a UAMS news story, before segueing into the latest announcements and events. Rounding out the email are a short list of recent announcements, What’s New at UAMS and links to UAMS Jobs and Continuing Education (CE) events.

But the biggest change to the announcements is more function than style. Employees will no longer have to be connected to the UAMS network to read the announcements. That means employees can read the announcements on their phones, especially helpful for all the employees and students who aren’t able to check email on a UAMS computer.

“As our internal communications and web team explored ways to make the announcements more accessible, they kept finding that the requirement that someone be logged onto the UAMS network created a significant barrier for many employees and students,” said Andrea Peel, associate vice chancellor for communications and marketing. “Our web team figured out a way to remove this barrier.”

Another major change was the elimination of CE Events from the Tuesday/Thursday announcements. Instead, those events will be rounded up in a separate message on Fridays and sent to many clinical employees and faculty from all of the colleges. The regular announcements will still include a link to a webpage where those events are listed to make it easy for anyone to see what CE Events are scheduled.

“Our goal is to give employees information that is important to them,” said Taylor. “Through the use of targeted communications, we hope to boost employee engagement because our employees know they’re getting information that directly pertains to them.”