Volunteers Honored for Service to Hospital

By Kate Franks

Darla and Robert Lavender, M.D., pose with Edwina Mann, (center) the Inaugural recipient of the Patricia Lavender Distinguished Service Award. The award was named in honor of Dr. Lavender’s mother, a long-time volunteer at UAMS and with the Arkansas Hospital Association.

Darla and Robert Lavender, M.D., pose with Edwina Mann, (center) the Inaugural recipient of the Patricia Lavender Distinguished Service Award. The award was named in honor of Dr. Lavender’s mother, a long-time volunteer at UAMS and with the Arkansas Hospital Association.

Becky Smith, clinical services manager in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, was honored as the volunteer supervisor of the year. Larry Lichty, a Connections Team volunteer who works with international patients, was honored as the Connie Ratcliff Volunteer of the Year.

Edwina Mann, a volunteer in the UAMS Historical Research Center, was honored as the inaugural recipient of the Patricia Lavender Distinguished Service Award. This award was named in honor of Lavender, who died in May 2019. She served as a UAMS volunteer, Medical Center Auxiliary board member and a member of the Arkansas Hospital Association board for more than 15 years.

Kelli Gilliam was honored with the Outstanding Achievement award for helping an elderly patient who had a stroke while she was helping him locate his car. He had been visiting his wife, who was a patient in the hospital, and Gilliam got him safely to the UAMS Emergency Department.

Steve Biernacki, Restore director for Habitat for Humanity of Central Arkansas, congratulates the UAMS Medical Center volunteers on their service to others and encourages them to continue to give back.

Steve Biernacki, Restore director for Habitat for Humanity of Central Arkansas, congratulates the UAMS Medical Center volunteers on their service to others and encourages them to continue to give back.

The Rising Star award for new volunteers was presented to Michelle Palumbo, and the Impact Award for volunteers with more than five years of service was presented to Charlie Huie. Karene Stanton was honored for 2,254 hours over four years at the Ottenheimer Fitness Center in the Aging Institute.

Steve Biernacki, Restore director for Habitat for Humanity of Central Arkansas, was the event’s guest speaker. He spoke on the power of saying “yes” and the importance of stepping up to help others.

Members of the 2019-20 Medical Center Auxiliary Board of Directors were introduced at the luncheon. Serving on the board are Alison Atkinson, president; Tomeiko Townly, program chair; Susan Beshears, fundraising chair; Libby Byrd, treasurer and budget chair; and Joseph Griggs, member at large. The board works to promote, improve and advance the welfare of the Medical Center and the health and comfort of its patients. The money raised by the auxiliary is used to support patients and families in need with food, Compassion Cards and transportation.