UAMS Reaches Out to Community with Walk with a Doc Program

By Yavonda Chase

Alexa Martin, M.D., a Family Medicine resident, talks about the health benefits of walking.

Alexa Martin, M.D., a Family Medicine resident, talks about the health benefits of walking.

“We were really encouraged by the turnout,” said Natalie Cannady, director of wellness. “I think as more people hear about Walk with a Doc, they are going to see it as a tremendous opportunity to learn more about their health in a casual environment.”

Alexa Martin, M.D., a resident in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine and member of the Walk with a Doc committee, served as the first physician speaker. She told participants about the health benefits of walking, noting that one doesn’t have to walk miles a day in order to see health benefits.

“Walking is a simple step that most people can do to improve their health,” she said. “It doesn’t require a gym membership or fancy workout clothes, and you can squeeze in a short walk on your lunch break. Those few minutes will really add up to major health benefits.”

Jordan Fielding, a student in the College of Medicine, also spoke as part of the Walk with a Future Doc program.

Walk with a Doc is an international nonprofit organization started by David Sabgir, M.D., a cardiologist in Columbus, Ohio, in 2005. Recently, the nonprofit started Walk with a Future Doc as a way to further involve medical students in the community.

The next Walk with a Doc will be 9-10 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 3 on the North Lawn at War Memorial Stadium. Leslie Stone, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor and director of the Department of Family and Preventative Medicine’s Division of Medical Student Education, will speak on diabetes and walking.