Flu Shot Clinics for UAMS Employees, Students and Volunteers Have Started

By Yavonda Chase

Flu vaccinations are mandatory (HR.4.5.8) for all UAMS employees, volunteers and students. The deadline to receive your vaccination is Nov. 20. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines, this is the best strategy to protect the health of our staff and students and the patients and families we serve.

Employees, students and volunteers are encouraged to take advantage of the vaccination clinics, which will be held at numerous locations. Vaccinations WILL NOT be available in the Student and Employee Health clinics until after Nov. 20.

This year, Student and Employee Health is going paperless for flu consents!  Before you get in line at a SEHS flu vaccination clinic:

  1. Select the time and date from the SEHS flu clinic schedule
  2. Complete the online Influenza Vaccination Consent Form 
    • Be sure to answer all questions
    • Review the Vaccination Information Sheet (VIS)
    • Remember the online consent is only good for 48 hours
  3. Bring your UAMS ID badge to the flu clinic with you

Please note, the online consent is only active for 48 hours from completion. If you do not attend a SEHS flu clinic within 48 hours you will have to re-submit the form.

You MUST have your UAMS ID Badge when you come to the SEHS flu clinic.

Failure to complete the consent before arriving or bring your ID badge will delay your vaccination.

The list of flu clinics can be found on the Student and Employee Health website. (The calendar will be updated throughout the season, so please check before heading to a vaccination clinic.)

All employees, non-employees and students must display an orange tag on their badge showing that they received a flu shot. These tags will be given during the vaccination clinics.

If you receive your vaccination outside of a Student and Employee Health flu clinic, please forward your documentation to studentandemployeehealth@uams.edu or bring it to the clinic and receive you orange flu tag.

Beginning Nov. 21, all employees, students and volunteers must either display a flu-shot tag on their badges or wear a mask. Employees and students who do not get the flu shot and are not granted an exemption will be subject to disciplinary measures.

For more information, including flu exemption requests and forms, please visit the Student and Employee Health website.