UAMS Joins Partners in Education with Little Rock’s Hall High
| The UAMS Division for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion has joined the Little Rock School District’s Volunteers in Public Schools program as a partner in education working specifically with Hall High School.

Gittens addresses the Little Rock School District Community Advisory Board on the importance of the partnership between the district and UAMS.
“This is, as they say, the beginning of a beautiful partnership,” said Brian Gittens, Ed.D., vice chancellor for diversity, equity and inclusion at UAMS. “We intend to offer resources that will open doors not just for students, but also faculty and staff at Hall.”
Beginning in the Spring 2020 semester, UAMS faculty and staff will provide guest speakers, classroom demonstrations, UAMS campus visits and career path information for students at Hall interested in the health care fields. The partnership includes professional development opportunities for Hall High faculty and volunteer UAMS student-tutors for Hall High students.
Further plans for the partnership include adding Hall students to the Academy of Pre-Health Scholars, an existing, intensive summer educational program administered by the division that helps prepare high school students for postsecondary education in health care fields.
“This partnership with UAMS will better prepare our students for postsecondary education and career opportunities in the medical and science fields. It can change the course of a student’s life. The possibilities are endless. We are so excited these opportunities will be afforded to Hall High students,” said the district’s Lynda Johnson, Ed.D., Partners in Education school team leader for Hall High School.
Organizers of the partnership say both schools benefit. Hall students will gain mentorship and form networks with health care professionals as they prepare for the next step in their academic career and UAMS will strengthen its pipeline transitioning high school students interested in health sciences to undergraduate and graduate programs.
“Though I have been in the diversity space for some time, my background is in education, and I very much believe in educating the whole student,” said Gittens. “That means providing a spectrum of opportunity at every level of education for students to unlock their potential and find a meaningful path for themselves, both academically and professionally.”