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Kanisha Griswold is the June MVP of the Month!
June MVP — Kanisha Griswold
| Congratulations to Kanisha Griswold, our June MVP of the Month!
A medical assistant in Head and Neck Oncology in the Cancer Institute, Kanisha is a perfect example of what it means to go above and beyond.
Here is what her nominator had to say:

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, recognizes Kanisha as the MVP of the Month.
“On Monday, May 11, Kanisha was working the screening station at the Cancer Institute. This is not unusual for Kanisha because she has worked the 6-9 a.m. shift every weekday since we began screening patients and is always kind to everyone she meets.
This particular day a patient presented with his wife to be seen in Infusion 4. The patient needed to use the restroom so the wife wheeled him around the corner to the bathroom inside the entrance. The wife came out and stated that the patient did not make it in time and asked if we have any wipes. Kanisha never hesitated — she went up to Infusion 4 and got the patient wipes and a blanket to cover with. She came back down and went into the bathroom with the patient, cleaned him up, put his dirty clothes in a bag, called for housekeeping and then transported him to his appointment on the fourth floor.
We all know how special Kanisha is to our area, but the wife of the patient stated that she should be “Arkansan of the Week.” Kanisha would not think that she needed special recognition for this act of kindness, but I appreciate her going the extra mile to make the patient feel cared for.”
Do you know someone who should be the next MVP? Nominations are being accepted. Any employee can nominate someone, and all employees are eligible to be nominated. The nomination form is available online or paper copies can be picked up in the Office of Communications & Marketing in Ward Tower next to Doc Java.