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Alex Morris is the MVP of the Month for August.
August MVP — Alex Morris
| Congratulation to Alex Morris, our August MVP of the Month!
Morris, an access coordinator at the UAMS Northeast Regional Campus in Jonesboro, is always willing to pitch in wherever needed.
Here is what his nominator had to say:

Employees at the UAMS Northeast Regional Campus in Jonesboro helped surprise Alex Morris (center) with the MVP honors.
“Alex goes above and beyond in so many ways for this department. He works in registration but does so much more than that. I have seen him come in early to pick up the trash from the parking lot and the lawn. He brings his own cleaning supplies and washes down the windows around the building so UAMS can shine in appearance. We do not have a janitor in our building, so Alex will change the air filters, ceiling tiles and light bulbs – all without anyone asking. He will bring his own tools from home if he sees something that needs to be fixed.
He told me the other day that he is so thankful to have this job at UAMS and that he takes a lot of pride in his job. His wish was that everyone could see how lucky they are to work for UAMS and just be nice to each other. He says that he feels UAMS has worked hard to save as many jobs as possible through this pandemic, and that is one reason that he is willing to go above his expected job duties to give back and show his appreciation. If anyone here needs help with anything, they know they can call on Alex, and he will get the job done. He will never complain or make judgments for the help that he gives. He is a MVP for UAMS and deserves to be recognized for all that he has given.”
Do you know someone who should be the next MVP? Nominations are being accepted. Any employee can nominate someone, and all employees are eligible to be nominated. The nomination form is available online or paper copies can be picked up in the Office of Communications & Marketing in Ward Tower next to Doc Java.