October MVP — Shaun Jenkins

By Yavonda Chase

Jenkins is a nuclear medicine technologist in Radiology who has been redeployed at the screening stations.

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, presents the MVP Award to Shaun Jenkins.

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, presents the MVP Award to Shaun Jenkins.

Here is what his nominator had to say:

“Shaun mans the screening station on the ground level of the hospital, and he organizes and runs it with an incredible level of efficiency. He is unfailingly polite; more importantly, he is always cheerful, enthusiastic, going above and beyond the requirements for screening employees. He welcomes everyone to work and cheerfully wishes them a good day, all while moving everyone efficiently through the line.

Shaun misses nothing at the station. He trains new screeners without slowing the line and makes sure they know their part in making the process work. He personally guides guests where they need to go, showing the way with both kindness and purpose, and then returns swiftly to the station making sure that things are running smoothly.

What is most impressive is Shaun’s cheerful and helpful personality and the way he treats every person as if they are a treasured friend. I can’t imagine any employee feeling grumpy or out of sorts after meeting Shaun in the screening line. He has a gift for making people feel welcome and part of a team.”

Do you know someone who should be the next MVP? Nominations are being accepted. Any employee can nominate someone, and all employees are eligible to be nominated. The nomination form is available online or paper copies can be picked up in the Office of Communications & Marketing in Ward Tower next to Doc Java.