Ashlyn Tedder Receives 2021 APhA Foundation Scholarship
| Third-year College of Pharmacy student Ashlyn Tedder recently was awarded an APhA Foundation Scholarship by the American Pharmacists Association (APhA).
“Being awarded this scholarship will allow me to focus more on academics, preparing for rotations, and residency applications,” Tedder said. “All of those areas are pivotal to my professional goals, so I consider myself fortunate to have been selected for a scholarship.”
The scholarship is aimed at recognizing students who choose to invest their time through active involvement with their school’s APhA-Academy of Student Pharmacists Chapter while at the same time managing the demands of a full-time pharmacy curriculum.During her time as a student pharmacist, Tedder has served as her APhA-ASP chapter’s policy vice-president and chapter president. She attended the APhA midyear regional meetings in St. Louis and Dallas, and co-wrote an Association Report for the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. Tedder currently holds a job as a pharmacy intern at two independent pharmacies in central Arkansas.