Pharmacy Honors 92 Graduates at First In-Person Convocation in Three Years

By Benjamin Waldrum

Hundreds of family, friends and well-wishers packed the Connor Performing Arts Center at Pulaski Academy in Little Rock for the college’s first in-person convocation since 2019. The happy mood was like a champagne cork about to pop.

College of Pharmacy Dean Cindy Stowe, Pharm.D., congratulates the Class of 2022 for achieving their goals.

College of Pharmacy Dean Cindy Stowe, Pharm.D., congratulates the Class of 2022 for achieving their goals.Evan Lewis

Eddie Dunn, Pharm.D., professor of pharmacy practice, gave the convocation address. After asking everyone to stand and giving a count of three, he led the assembled crowd in a deafening ovation for the graduates that lasted more than 30 seconds.

“That’s how we celebrate in Arkansas,” Dunn said. “Folks, be proud of them. It was tough.”

Dean Cindy Stowe, Pharm.D., told the graduates that their impact on their patients, their communities and their profession would be felt for decades to come.

“Class of 2022, this event marks the culmination of many years of hard work and commitment to making your dream of becoming a pharmacist a reality,” Stowe said. “You will shape and impact your communities with your professional talent, skills, attitude and behaviors. Have a blast making the world a better place, and Godspeed in your life’s work.”

“You overcame the challenges of pivoting to remote classes and schedule disruptions and practice settings. You adjusted, you persevered and you succeeded,” said Stephanie Gardner, Pharm.D., Ed.D., UAMS provost, chief strategy officer and senior vice chancellor for academic affairs. “Jonas Salk is credited with saying, ‘The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.’ So tonight we celebrate your work well done, and we challenge you with the opportunity to do more. It’s a privilege well-earned.”

Ashok Philip, Ph.D., College of Pharmacy's associate dean of student services, serves as master of ceremonies.

Ashok Philip, Ph.D., College of Pharmacy’s associate dean of student services, serves as master of ceremonies.Evan Lewis

Ashok Philip, Ph.D., associate dean of student services, served as master of ceremonies for the evening. One by one, he read the names of each student receiving honors and awards as they walked on stage and posed for photos. Graduates Michael Kramer, Jason Lam and Sidney Zotti each presented different awards for faculty.

Then, it was time for each graduate to receive their crimson-and-white hood. As each graduate walked on stage to be hooded by Dunn and Melanie Reinhardt, Pharm.D., sections of the crowd erupted into cheers and applause.

Kent Chamberlain, president of the College of Pharmacy Class of 2022, gave the class response. He remembered when the class first met in 2018 and how nervous they were. “None of us had any idea how the next four years would go, but we all shared the same goal: we all wanted to practice pharmacy,” he said.

“Graduation is the culmination of a lifelong goal for many of us tonight, but the drive and willpower to see that goal through to the end still exists,” Chamberlain said. “That drive is still within each of us tonight, and that drive requires something new; something else to latch on to. So I ask you, what will your next goal be?”

Chamberlain spoke of the challenges he and his classmates met and overcame in their four years, not only in their education but also in the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the loss of loved ones. With this goal met, he said, it was time to decide on a new one.

Eddie Dunn, Pharm.D., and Melanie Reinhardt, Pharm.D., drape the hood over the shoulders of Taylor McClanahan.

Eddie Dunn, Pharm.D., and Melanie Reinhardt, Pharm.D., drape the hood over the shoulders of Taylor McClanahan.Evan Lewis

“If you know what your next goal is, then I encourage you to put the same level of dedication that brought you here tonight into achieving it,” Chamberlain said. “But for many here tonight, that choice is still open — big or small, lifelong or next year, I encourage you to find your next goal, pour your drive into it and cross another finish line down the road.”

At the conclusion of the ceremony, graduates stood and recited the Oath of a Pharmacist with Stowe, promising to devote themselves to a lifetime of service to others through the profession of pharmacy.

The college also recognized several Student Ambassadors for their role in making the convocation a success. Kendall Perkins, Rilie Vote, Amanda Russell, Claudia Raffo, Morgan Tracy, Jordan Turner, Kate Junkersfeld, Monica Badillo and Madison Tate welcomed guests, gave out programs, assisted graduates and faculty, and helped with setup and takedown.

Student Honors & Awards

The Jordin Scholar award is reserved for students with the highest academic achievement and professional attainment. With this designation, lasting recognition is given in honor of the late Marcus Jordin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of pharmacology. These recipients are:

  • Rachel Foshee
  • Madison Green
  • Michael Kramer
  • Alex Moore
  • Alexis Pace
  • Lillie Pham
  • Rianna Rea
  • Mackenzie Reinhardt
  • Laiken Sorrells

The Faculty Gold Key award honors the student with the highest academic achievement during four years of enrollment in the College of Pharmacy. This year’s recipient is Alex Moore.

All nine Jordin Scholars also graduated with the High Honors designation, reserved for the lesser of the top 5% of the class or a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or greater.

Students with Honors designation are selected from the lesser of the 20% of the class or those with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater. These recipients are:

  • Rachel Senn
  • Cayley Noblin
  • Brooke Lessenberry
  • Lauren Johnson
  • Kristin Price
  • Kaitlin Stuff
  • Jessica Hunter
  • Anna DeLoach
  • Lara Rains
  • Leah Evans

Honors in Research are accorded to students who are academically qualified and who conducted original research in an area of the health sciences. These recipients are:

  • Michelle Briere
  • Mary Burlette
  • Callie Clement
  • Julie Feimster
  • Brooke Lessenberry
  • Lara Rains
  • Kaitlin Stuff
  • Alexandria Van Enk
  • Katie Woolard
  • Sydney Zotti

Honors in Experiential Education recognize students for excellence in experiential education based on their individual performances during advanced pharmacy practice experiences. These recipients are:

  • Kate Bellingrath
  • Paisley Emerson
  • Rachel Foshee
  • Madison Green
  • Jessica Hunter
  • Lauren Johnson
  • Michael Kramer
  • Bobby Le
  • Brooke Lessenberry
  • Alex Moore
  • Megan Moore
  • Lillie Pham
  • Rianna Rea
  • Isabell Reaves
  • Mackenzie Reinhart
  • Rachel Senn
  • Katie Woolard
  • Rebecca Zodrow
  • Sydney Zotti

Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, honors leadership, and members are selected by peer recognition. The Class of 2022 members are:

  • Katherine Angel
  • Emily Banda
  • Kate Bellingrath
  • Callie Clement
  • Ashlyn Curry
  • Anna DeLoach
  • Leah Evans
  • Bailey Garner
  • Kristin Johnson
  • Michael Kramer
  • Jason Lam
  • Bobby Le
  • Brooke Lessenberry
  • Taylor McClanahan
  • Alex Moore
  • Belle Reaves
  • Mackenzie Reinhart
  • Katie Woolard
  • Rebecca Zodrow
  • Sydney Zotti

The Rho Chi National Honor Society is a privilege afforded to the very few who distinguish themselves by their academic and professional achievements and who aspire to the mission and vision of the society. Members may be elected as professional or graduate pharmacy students, as faculty members for schools or colleges of pharmacy, as alumni who distinguish themselves in the profession or as honorary members by special action. The Class of 2022 members are:

  • Anna DeLoach
  • Rachel Foshee
  • Christopher Godwin
  • Madison Green
  • Jessica Hunter
  • Lauren Johnson
  • Michael Kramer
  • Brooke Lessenberry
  • Cayley Noblin
  • Alex Moore
  • Alexis Pace
  • Lillie Pham
  • Kristin Price
  • Lara Rains
  • Rianna Rea
  • Mackenzie Reinhart
  • Rachel Senn
  • Laiken Sorrells

The following graduates were recognized with Summative Exam 2 Awards of Excellence for their performance on the senior summative exam:

  • Kyle Davis
  • Anna DeLoach
  • Paisley Emerson
  • Rachel Foshee
  • Madison Green
  • Jonathan Hardage
  • Jessica Hunter
  • Michael Kramer
  • Alex Moore
  • Cayley Noblin
  • Rianna Rea
  • Rachel Senn
  • Laiken Sorrells
  • Alexandria Van Enk
  • Kendra Wilson

The American Pharmacists Association Senior Recognition Certificate was given to Ashlyn Curry for contributing most to the success of the Academy of Student Pharmacists UAMS chapter.

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists President’s Award was given to Callie Clement for contributing most to the success of the Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists UAMS chapter.

The Arkansas Pharmacists Association Senior Award was given to Emily Smock for showing the greatest potential for the delivery of total patient care to the citizens of the community.

The Aventis Pharmaceuticals Award for Excellence in Medical Chemistry was given to Nghi Tran for demonstrating excellence in medicinal chemistry.

The Cardinal Health Outstanding Student in Nuclear Pharmacy Award was given to Kent Chamberlain to acknowledge superior achievement in nuclear pharmacy courses.

The National Association of Nuclear Pharmacies Scholarship was given to Payton Hanby and Taylor McClanahan for leadership and achievement in nuclear pharmacy coursework and practice.

The Cindy D. Stowe Award for Excellence in Clinical Skills was given to Cayley Noblin for demonstrating excellence in clinical skills by achieving the highest score on Objective Structured Clinical Examinations across the curriculum.

The Daniel C. Spadaro Excellence in Nonprescription Medicine Award was given to Lillie Pham for academic excellence in the area of nonprescription medicine studies.

The Keith M. Olsen Excellence in Experiential Education Award was given to Michael Kramer for displaying excellence in experiential performance during advanced pharmacy practice.

The Merck Manual Award for Academic Excellence was given to Anna DeLoach and Rebecca Zodrow for showing personality, initiative and superior attitude as pharmacy practitioners.

The Stephanie Gardner Excellence in Interprofessional Education Award was given to Taylor McClanahan for demonstrating excellence in interprofessional learning and education activities.

The Viatris Excellence in Pharmacy Award was given to Rianna Rea for graduating in the top 25% of the class and demonstrating high professional proficiency and motivation in the area of drug information.

The Wolters Kluwer Award of Excellence in Clinical Communications was given to Rachel Senn for graduating in the top 25% of the class and demonstrating superior verbal and written clinical communication skills.

The United States Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Award was given to Katie Woolard. The prestigious award recognizes pharmacy students who have made significant contributions to public health by promoting wellness and healthy communities.

Faculty Honors & Awards

The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award was given to Brendan Frett, Ph.D. Frett, an assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, joined the faculty in 2016.

“Dr. Frett’s legacy at UAMS will be that of hard work, uncompromising excellence and selfless dedication to the generations of students who have gone on to become pharmacists that have taken care of countless numbers of patients,” said Michael Kramer. “He has touched the lives of thousands, not only as a scientist but as a professor, and a friend.”

The Department of Pharmacy Practice Outstanding Faculty Award was given to Melanie Reinhardt, Pharm.D. Reinhardt, an associate professor of pharmacy practice, joined the faculty in 1995.

“In pharmaceutical labs, Dr. Dunn would always make fun of Dr. Reinhardt for being an angel who could do no wrong, who had angelic wings growing from her back,” said Jason Lam. “But little did he know that the Class of 2022 was blessed to have her.”

The Preceptor of the Year award was given to Kris Dunlap, Pharm.D. Dunlap, a 2006 College of Pharmacy graduate, is the pharmacy clinical coordinator for the Arkansas Children’s emergency department.

“It’s one thing to be able to teach the subject that you’re an expert on; it’s another thing to be able to teach it in a way that’s specific for the student,” said Sydney Zotti. “Kris, it’s an honor to know you, and I’ll look up to you for the rest of my life and pharmacy career.”

The Jonathan and Donna Wolfe Faculty Excellence Award was given to David Caldwell, Pharm.D. Caldwell, the associate dean of academic affairs, joined the faculty in 2017. The award expresses Jonathan and Donna Wolfe’s joy in the genuine merit and high worth of those who make up the faculty of the College of Pharmacy, and the confident hope that future faculty will continue that tradition of personal and professional excellence.

The 2021-2022 Graduate Faculty of the Year award was given to Bradley Martin, Pharm.D., Ph.D., by the UAMS Graduate School. Martin, a professor of pharmacy practice, served as the Pharmaceutical Evaluation and Policy graduate program director from its inception until 2021.