UAMS Celebrates Achievements of Phenomenal Women
| The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) celebrated Women’s History Month with a March 30 ceremony that honored 36 employees nominated by their colleagues as Phenomenal Women.
The event, Celebrating UAMS Phenomenal Women 2023: Every Woman Has A Story, was organized by the Diversity and Inclusion Engagement Subcommittee of the UAMS Division for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DDEI). The ceremony recognized women who demonstrate UAMS’ core values, who give voice to marginalized populations, who celebrate or inspire other women, or who overcome personal or professional challenges through skill and determination.
Linda Worley, M.D., professor and chief wellness officer in the College of Medicine, started the ceremony by acknowledging that women at UAMS stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before, establishing a powerfully supportive network. As she looked out at the audience, she said she was inspired by the accomplishments of the women in the room.

Odette Woods, senior director for diversity, equity and inclusion for staff and campus engagement, addresses attendees at the Phenomenal Women ceremony.
“Why do we do what we do?” she asked. “We do it because we share a mission to affect others’ lives in meaningful ways, and we care. That’s what makes us phenomenal.”
Diane Jarrett, Ed.D., MA, director of education in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, and Shey Anderson, MA, assistant administrator in the Department of Radiology, described the groundbreaking achievements that women have made over the last few decades in fields such as politics, business and music. Jarrett noted that UAMS’ female employees have also had a role in this trend of breaking barriers.
“They’ve served as role models for the next generation of women, and they’re truly deserving of their description as ‘phenomenal,’” she said.
Each honoree received an award presented by Michelle Krause, M.D., MPH, senior vice chancellor for UAMS Health and CEO of the UAMS Medical Center, and Cindy Stowe, Pharm.D., dean of the College of Pharmacy.
“This diverse group of women collectively inspires us, encourages us and challenges us to be our very best,” Krause said.
The 2023 Phenomenal Women honorees are:
Courtney Anderson, MLS | Katy Marino, M.D. |
Rebecca Bird, MAS | Linda McGhee, M.D. |
Cari A. Bogulski, Ph.D. | Dorothee Mecum, M.D. |
Sherry Bryant | Tanya Mehran |
Linda Cavin | Inger Nelson, LCSW |
Shaneika Chambers, MHA, MLS | Amber Norris, M.D. |
Tisha Deen, Ph.D. | Christi Quarles Smith, Pharm.D., MHA |
Carmen Eaken, RN | Cyndi L. Root, RN, BSN |
Nicola “Nikki” Edge, Ph.D. | Deanna Stiles |
Stefani D. Gafford, MPH | Shayla Stinnett |
Lauren Gibson-Oliver, M.D., MBA | Thia Stocker |
Lindsay Gilbert, M.Ed., MLS | Linda Stone, CPA |
Erin Gray | Sheila L. Thomas, MA, M.Ed. |
Sonja Hart, MS | Tamara Thomas, MBA |
Stacy Hoyle, MHSA | Marla Vance |
Myoshi Jackson-Austin, BSN, MNSc | Lindsey Wolf, M.D. |
Lyndsay Johnson, MS | Deidre Wyrick, M.D. |
Krista Langston, MBA | Armineh Zohrabian, Ph.D. |
The event also highlighted the talents of several women who told their stories through the performing arts. Kristina Payne, an access manager at UAMS, recited a piece from a poetry book written by Amanda Lovelace. Diane McVinney, an accreditation manager in the College of Medicine and flautist in the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, performed a piece from the Germany composer Henry Koehler. And Keyera James, the daughter of UAMS access coordinator Lucretia Cole, performed a dance to Whitney Houston’s “I’m Every Woman.”

Several of the 2020 Phenomenal Women honorees gather onstage with their awards. The 2020 recipients were honored with a video tribute during this year’s ceremony.
Offstage, freelance artist Hal Lemons gave a demonstration of her work, using the hourlong ceremony to draw a portrait that reflected her vision of a phenomenal woman.
The event marked the first time UAMS has honored its Phenomenal Women with an in-person ceremony since 2019. Odette Woods, senior director for diversity, equity and inclusion for staff and campus engagement, said DDEI had planned a March 2020 ceremony for that year’s honorees, but the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic canceled the event. The 2020 recipients were honored with a video tribute during this year’s ceremony.
“Today, at last, we’re proud to pay tribute to our UAMS Phenomenal Women of 2020,” Woods said.
Krause praised the 2020 honorees for the resolve they’ve shown over the past three years, noting the challenges that health care providers have faced during the pandemic.
“I am so impressed that many of the women who received 2020 honors are still here with us today,” she said. “The dedication that you all have committed to our organization is remarkable.”