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College of Pharmacy students recite the Oath of a Pharmacist at the conclusion of convocation. Seventy-five students were recognized at the May 17 event.
Image by Evan Lewis
UAMS College of Pharmacy Honors 75 Students at 2024 Convocation
| Raucous cheers and applause accompanied the UAMS College of Pharmacy Class of 2024 at its May 17 convocation ceremony, as each student received their crimson-and-white hoods onstage.

Dean Cindy Stowe, Pharm.D., told the Class of 2024 that their perseverance throughout the COVID-19 pandemic was “nothing short of inspiring.”Evan Lewis
“As you stand now on the threshold of your professional journey, know that you’re stepping into a field that is so professionally rewarding,” said Stephanie Gardner, Pharm.D., Ed.D., UAMS provost, chief strategy officer and senior vice chancellor for academic affairs. “President Franklin Roosevelt said, ‘The only limitation to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today.’ As you embark on the next chapter of your journey, let these words resonate within you. Don’t fear the challenges you’ll see. Just look at them as opportunities to learn and grow.”
Seventy-five students were recognized from a pharmacy class that began classes in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Class of 2024 matriculated in the fall of 2020, a few months after the pandemic began, when in-person gatherings were severely restricted. They donned their white coats virtually that fall and did not begin in-person instruction until a year later.
“Class of 2024, you began your Pharm.D. program during one of the most challenging periods in recent history,” said Cindy Stowe, Pharm.D., dean of the College of Pharmacy. “The world was grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic, and you faced the daunting task of starting your professional education remotely. Yet you stand here today, having not only met those challenges but having thrived in the face of adversity. Your perseverance, adaptability and unwavering commitment have been nothing short of inspiring.”
Stowe also thanked the faculty in attendance for their dedication to excellence during the pandemic and led the audience in a round of applause for their efforts.

Members of the Class of 2024 pose for a photo with their crimson-and-white hoods following the conclusion of the ceremony.Evan Lewis
“Ask yourself: what truly matters to me, and to me as a pharmacist?” Stowe continued. “Is it ensuring patient safety, advancing medical knowledge, supporting your community, or perhaps something else? Keep your core values and priorities in the forefront. They will guide you in making decisions that align with your principles and lead to a fulfilling career.”
Brendan Frett, Ph.D., assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, was chosen by the Class of 2024 to deliver the convocation address. He spoke about the transition that students will make into their careers as graduates, and how that can be intimidating.
“The one thing that has consistently guided me through uncertainty, which is something we should all strive to practice, is kindness,” Frett said. “Kindness is good for you. It acts as an antidote to fear.”
Frett spoke of working to embody “true kindness,” which goes further than nice gestures and involves a deep understanding of self and a commitment to empathy and compassion.
“As pharmacists, you are stepping into a role where your knowledge, integrity and most importantly your kindness will shape the health and well-being of the communities you serve,” Frett said.
Ashok Philip, Ph.D., associate dean of student services, was master of ceremonies and read the names of each student receiving honors and awards as they took their turns onstage. Eddie Dunn, Pharm.D., professor of pharmacy practice, and Melanie Reinhardt, Pharm.D., associate professor of pharmacy practice, placed hoods over each student’s head.
Benjamin Quattlebaum, Kennede-McLeroy Charles and Victoria Hoggard each presented different awards for faculty.

Brendan Frett, Ph.D., delivered the convocation address and emphasized the value of kindness in professional pharmacy.Evan Lewis
Phi Tang gave the class response, joking that “it’s so good to finally meet all of you” as a nod to their months sequestered during the pandemic. He made a point to thank the faculty and staff on behalf of the class for making the college feel like family.
Tang, who served as class president for each of the past four years, said the highlight of his time in pharmacy school was seeing his classmates every day. “You are the reason I was able to make it through school, and the reason I never gave up,” he said.
“I have no doubt that each of you has the potential to make a significant impact in our field, whether you choose to pursue clinical practice, research, public health, community pharmacy or any other avenue in our profession,” Tang added. “I want each of you to remember that while you’re out there making a name for yourself, your biggest fan is in the background cheering you on. After tonight, I will no longer be your president, but I will always be your friend.”
Students recited the Oath of a Pharmacist with Stowe at the conclusion of the ceremony, pledging to devote themselves to promoting health and wellness through their profession.
The college recognized several Student Ambassadors, including Rilie Vote, Nicholas Hollowell, Jessica Allred, Evelyn McHaney, Alex Langston, Kori Hopek, Kylia Williams, Roxane Chamcheu, Scarlett Averett, Lauren Harrell, Taylor Bandala, Lynn Duncan, Abby Shelnut, Louise Moore, Mason Thessing and TJ Craig.
Student Honors and Awards
The Jordin Scholar award is reserved for students with the highest academic achievement and professional attainment. With this designation, lasting recognition is given in honor of the late Marcus Jordin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of pharmacology. These recipients are:
- Whitney Austin
- Payton Davis
- Alexis Jacobus
- Benjamin Quattlebaum
- Lauren Romo
- Mary Rose Siebenmorgen
- Dylan Yowell
- Victoria Hoggard
The Faculty Gold Key award honors the student with the highest academic achievement during four years of enrollment in the College of Pharmacy. This year’s recipient is Victoria Hoggard.
All eight Jordin Scholars also graduated with the High Honors designation, reserved for the lesser of the top 5% of the class or a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or greater.
Students with Honors designation are selected from the lesser of the 20% of the class or those with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or greater. These recipients are:
Alanna Bramwell-Shittu
Jared Bristow
Jocelyn Cornwell
Jeffery Davis Jr.
Alexa Ramick
Amanda Russell
Victoria Tang
Honors in Research are accorded to students who are academically qualified and who conducted original research in an area of the health sciences. These recipients are:
Fatima Al-Doori
Daniel Armstrong
Alanna Bramwell-Shittu
Joseph Brill
Alan Herrera-Rueda
Allison Knott
Kennede McLeroy-Charles
Maria Neal
Benjamin Quattlebaum
Mary Rose Siebenmorgen
Ngoc Tran
Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, honors leadership, and members are selected by peer recognition. The Class of 2024 members are:
Alanna Bramwell-Shittu
Jeffery Davis Jr.
Story Hart
Victoria Hoggard
Kennede McLeroy-Charles
Tiara Mickens
Kendall Perkins
Benjamin Quattlebaum
Alexa Ramick
Amanda Russell
Katherine Snider
Phi Tang
Jasmine Wilson
The Rho Chi National Honor Society is a privilege afforded to the very few who distinguish themselves by their academic and professional achievements and who aspire to the mission and vision of the society. Members may be elected as professional or graduate pharmacy students, as faculty members for schools or colleges of pharmacy, as alumni who distinguish themselves in the profession or as honorary members by special action. The Class of 2024 members are:
Daniel Armstrong
Whitney Austin
Alanna Bramwell-Shittu
Jared Bristow
Jocelyn Cornwell
Jeffery Davis Jr.
Payton Davis
Story Hart
Victoria Hoggard
Alexis Jacobus
Jennifer Langley
Benjamin Quattlebaum
Alexa Ramick
Lauren Romo
Amanda Russell
Mary Rose Siebenmorgen
Victoria Tang
Dylan Yowell
The following graduates were recognized with Summative Exam 2 Awards of Excellence for their performance on the senior summative exam:
Whitney Austin
Lauren Bellamy
Jeffery Davis Jr.
Payton Davis
Victoria Hoggard
Alexis Jacobus
Emery Parker
Benjamin Quattlebaum
Mary Katelyn Record
Lauren Romo
Victoria Tang
Dylan Yowell
The American Pharmacists Association Senior Recognition Certificate was given to Alanna Bramwell-Shittu for contributing most to the success of the Academy of Student Pharmacists UAMS chapter.
The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists President’s Award was given to Alexa Ramick for contributing most to the success of the Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists UAMS chapter.
The Arkansas Pharmacists Association Senior Award was given to Alanna Bramwell-Shittu for showing the greatest potential for the delivery of total patient care to the citizens of the community.
The Aventis Pharmaceuticals Award for Excellence in Medical Chemistry was given to Daniel Armstrong for demonstrating excellence in medicinal chemistry.
The Cardinal Health Outstanding Student in Nuclear Pharmacy Award was given to Fatima Al-Doori to acknowledge superior achievement in nuclear pharmacy courses.
The Cindy D. Stowe Award for Excellence in Clinical Skills was given to Story Hart for demonstrating excellence in clinical skills by achieving the highest score on Objective Structured Clinical Examinations across the curriculum.
The Daniel C. Spadaro Excellence in Nonprescription Medicine Award was given to Victoria Hoggard for academic excellence in the area of nonprescription medicine studies.
The Keith M. Olsen Excellence in Experiential Education Award was given to Dylan Yowell for displaying excellence in experiential performance during advanced pharmacy practice.
The Merck Manual Award for Academic Excellence was given to Benjamin Quattlebaum and Dylan Yowell for showing personality, initiative and superior attitude as pharmacy practitioners.
The Stephanie Gardner Excellence in Interprofessional Education Award was given to Joseph Brill for demonstrating excellence in interprofessional learning and education activities.
The Viatris Excellence in Pharmacy Award was given to Jeffery Davis Jr. for graduating in the top 25% of the class and demonstrating high professional proficiency and motivation in the area of drug information.
The Wolters Kluwer Award of Excellence in Clinical Communications was given to Alexis Jacobus for graduating in the top 25% of the class and demonstrating superior verbal and written clinical communication skills.
The United States Public Health Service Excellence in Public Health Pharmacy Award was given to Kennede McLeroy-Charles. The prestigious award recognizes pharmacy students who have made significant contributions to public health by promoting wellness and healthy communities.
Faculty Honors & Awards
The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Outstanding Faculty Award was given to Amanda Stolarz, Pharm.D., Ph.D. Stolarz, an assistant professor of pharmaceutical sciences, joined the faculty in 2018.
The Department of Pharmacy Practice Outstanding Faculty Award was given to David Caldwell, Pharm.D. Caldwell, the associate dean of academic affairs, joined the faculty in 2017.
The Preceptor of the Year award was given to George Gann, Pharm.D. Garner graduated from the College of Pharmacy in 1996 and is a pharmacist at CHI St. Vincent in Little Rock.
The Jonathan and Donna Wolfe Faculty Excellence Award was given to Marsha Crader, Pharm.D. Crader, an associate professor of pharmacy practice, joined the faculty in 2013. The award expresses Jonathan and Donna Wolfe’s joy in the genuine merit and high worth of those who make up the faculty of the College of Pharmacy, and the confident hope that future faculty will continue that tradition of personal and professional excellence.