11 Fitness Center Members Completed Yearlong Challenge

By Yavonda Chase

12x12 UAMS Fitness Center“It is really quite an accomplishment to complete the 12×12 Challenge,” said Adam Carter, director of the Fitness Center. “It requires a real commitment to your fitness plan.”

Participants in the challenge must log at least 12 30-minute exercise sessions each month at the Fitness Center. Verifiable outside activities such as organized runs, walks, cycling events and triathlons also are allowable.

Completing the challenge were:

  • Gwen Bradford
  • Chuck Dye
  • Betty Foster
  • Allan Gates
  • Jeanie Head
  • Stacy Hoyle
  • Susan Long
  • Pat Magann
  • Sarita Terrell
  • Jeff Thostenson
  • Kenny Worley

Program participants said they appreciated the accountability the program generated for them.

“By committing to 12 gym visits every month, my workouts must be planned and prioritized,” said Stacy Hoyle. “There are months when holidays or a busy schedule could have derailed my gym plan, but the 12×12 program kept me focused to achieve at least 12 workouts.”

“By committing to the 12×12 club for the first time, it gave me a measurable goal to make a routine, which in turn has resulted into a habit and a lifestyle change,” said Dye.

The 12×12 plan is open to all members of the UAMS Fitness Center. There is no cost to participate.