July MVP — Patrick Geans

By Ben Boulden

Patrick is the ever friendly face and voice in the Cancer Institute lobby where he works as a health screener. He is polite, welcoming and makes everyone feel special. He maintains his smiling and compassionate demeanor at all times, day in and day out.Patrick Geans and Chancellor Patterson

A patient wrote to me: “Today we are at the MRI in the cancer institute. At entry we were greeted by Mr. Patrick Geans. He has an awesome spirit and you would be very proud at how he represents the hospital. I know his spirit will be the positive in some of cancer patients who may not be feeling so well!

Mr. Patrick Geans further impressed me as we departed the hospital. He recognized Bailey and I both by name and wished us both well.

Also during our initial conversation he stated how lucky he was to be paid every day to come to a family reunion.
I told him what a positive impact he has on patients and thanked him, he really should be considered for recognition.”

Indeed, we need to celebrate such a valuable employee and ask that he coach us all on how to adopt his positive, friendly and compassionate attributes.

Patrick models compassion and caring in a personal way for UAMS. While he might not have expected anyone to notice, we have. Patrick is one of the first faces our patients see, which makes his representation of the university as a health screener all the more important.

UAMS will recognize Patrick in several ways as this month’s MVP. Look for his photo on the Employee Appreciation Wall outside the Chancellor’s Suite in the Central Building. He will receive free parking for a month in any of the parking decks. A Faces of UAMS video will feature him, and we’re giving him some great UAMS swag. At one of the chancellor’s cabinet meetings, Patrick will receive a certificate and monetary award and be honored along with other awardees at the year-end MVP luncheon.

Do you know someone who should be the next MVP? If you have someone you’d like to nominate, please visit go.uams.edu/mvp/ and fill out the form.