January MVP — Angela Ward

By Ben Boulden

Angela brings a spirit of positivity wherever she goes. When something goes wrong, or we have extra work, she is willing to come early, stay late, or work on weekends to get things done. Angela ALWAYS goes above and beyond to ensure that the patient’s needs are a priority and that each question or concern they may have has been answered.

Another reason why Angela is a great asset to our clinic, and UAMS is that she is willing to do any job that will help us move forward. She does not feel she has to fit her job description or title. She never asks for a pat on the back or to be told good job. She works so hard because she genuinely loves her job and the patients.

Her dedication to her job, ensuring that her co-workers and patients have anything and everything they need, and her drive for the nursing profession make her perfect for this nomination.

UAMS will recognize Angela in several ways as this month’s MVP. Look for her photo on the Employee Appreciation Wall outside the Chancellor’s Suite in the Central Building. A Faces of UAMS video will feature her, and we’re giving her some great UAMS swag.

At the chancellor’s next cabinet meeting, he will present Angela with a certificate and monetary award. In the summer, the university will honor her and other awardees at the annual MVP luncheon.

Do you know someone who should be the next MVP? If you have someone you’d like to nominate, please visit go.uams.edu/mvp/ and fill out the form.

Please congratulate Angela for being MVP of the Month!