Winners of College’s 2024 Staff Excellence Awards Named

By News Staff

Candidates for both awards may be nominated by students, staff, alumni, or faculty members.

Brook’s nominators wrote: “Confidentiality stands as a cornerstone of trust in any service encounter. Tammy’s commitment to discretion ensures that students feel comfortable sharing their concerns, knowing that their privacy is respected. By safeguarding their confidentiality, she fosters an environment conducive to open communication, facilitating effective problem-solving.”

The award recognizes the staff member whose significant contributions through service to its customers are instrumental in achieving the UAMS mission. Excellence in Customer Service is centered around four components – confidentiality, courtesy, concern, and competence.

The nominators stated: “Courtesy is the currency of interpersonal interactions, and Tammy is abundantly rich in it. Her warm demeanor and polite communication make students feel valued and respected. Whether it’s a simple query or a complex issue, her courteous approach creates a welcoming atmosphere, enhancing the overall customer experience.

“Concern underscores Tammy’s genuine care for the well-being of students. Beyond merely addressing their immediate needs, she goes the extra mile to understand their challenges and provide empathetic support. This level of concern fosters a sense of belonging and reassurance, strengthening the bond between the institution and its students.

“Competence is the final piece of the puzzle, and Tammy possesses it in abundance. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, she navigates student inquiries and issues with ease and efficiency. Her competence instills confidence in students, assuring them that they are in capable hands, and their concerns will be addressed effectively.”

The College of Health Professions’ Excellence in Performance Award is to recognize the staff member whose significant contributions through individual and team effort are instrumental in achieving the UAMS mission, and who best exemplifies the core values of integrity, respect, diversity, teamwork, creativity and excellence.

Carrell’s nominators wrote: “CJ’s extensive knowledge of all college and campus administrative processes enables her to guide the college administrative team through progressive process updates and positions her as a contextual expert. CJ is the primary resource for answering questions and providing assistance to faculty and staff. She holds the highest standards of accountability and achievement, and she is always available with advice and assistance. She is humble, fair and direct, and serves the institution well in a number of capacities including being a leader in the House of Delegates.

“CJ assumes additional responsibilities as needed to cover in areas that need additional support. She embodies the mission of UAMS by providing high­ quality, innovative, college support.”