Mental Health and Women

By exportuser2

Although overall, men and women experience mental illness at similar rates, some mental disorders occur more frequently in women than men. For example, women are nearly twice as likely as men to suffer from major depression, which is associated with problems such as lost productivity, higher morbidity from medical illness and increased risk of suicide.

Women are nearly twice as likely as men to have depression. However, the higher rate of depression in women isn’t due to biology alone. Life situations and cultural stressors play a role, too. For one thing, women are much more likely to live in poverty than men. Poverty and limited earning potential bring with them many concerns, including uncertainty about the future and less access to community and health care resources.

For many women, depression may seem overwhelming, but there are a number of effective methods of treatment, including antidepressants and psychotherapy. You can learn about the best treatment option for you or your loved one in the UAMS Women’s Mental Health Clinic.


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Effective methods of treatment

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These programs were first broadcast the week of February 11, 2013.

T. Glenn Pait, M.D., of UAMS is the host of the program.

About Our Host

Trusted by thousands of listeners every week, T. Glenn Pait, M.D., began offering expert advice as host of UAMS’ “Here’s to Your Health” program in 1996. Dr. Pait began working at UAMS in 1994 and has been practicing medicine for over 20 years.