April 13, 2016

Former NICU Patients Return to UAMS for Day of Fun

Katrina Dupins

Scores of former patients of the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and their families returned to the UAMS Medical Center for the 5th Annual NICU Reunion April 9.

March 28, 2016

Now Cancer-Free, Nurse Regrets Skipping Colonoscopy

Katrina Dupins

March 28, 2016 | As a nurse, Beverly Seaberg spends her time at work caring for patients. As a wife and mother, she also makes sure her husband, John, and two daughters, Cori and Caroline receive the best health care possible. Seaberg, 58, is an R.N. in the Quality Management department at UAMS. She has…

March 2, 2016

Stroke Patient Feels ‘Wonderful’ After Clot Treatments

Katrina Dupins

March 2, 2016 | It began like any other Sunday for the Lemasters of Sherwood. Mary Lemaster and her husband, James, had participated in the Sunday School class at Baring Cross Baptist Church on Feb. 7, 2016, and were getting ready to attend morning worship in the sanctuary when Mary went to the restroom. “It…

December 29, 2015

Inaugural Physical Therapy Students Find Joy in Learning

Katrina Dupins

As the inaugural physical therapy class at the UAMS northwest Arkansas campus in Fayetteville finishes its first semester, students are as enthusiastic as ever. Student Scott Van Camp finds it both humbling and exciting to be a part of the first class headed by John Jefferson, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Physical Therapy in…

December 8, 2015

Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Lets Teen Walk and Run

Katrina Dupins

Dec. 8, 2015|“Can you believe that something this small is what has changed how well you move?” UAMS neurosurgeon Erika Petersen, M.D., said showing a wire the size of a spaghetti noodle to 15-year-old Darius Hoppis. Before the brain surgery, Darius was hardly able to walk. Now Darius is a warrior — a Western Grove…

September 15, 2015

Woman Enjoying Life Despite Fighting Cancer

Katrina Dupins

Sept. 15, 2015|Suzanne Gatewood is enjoying life. Though she has been fighting breast cancer for 12 years, she says her outlook on life is more positive now than ever.

September 2, 2015

Knee Replacement Patient Doesn’t Skip a Beat After Surgery

Katrina Dupins

Jeanne Nash

Sept. 2, 2015 | One day after a total knee replacement, Jeanne Nash is able to move her leg up and down. With assistance from her daughter, Kayla, she’s even able to walk across her hospital room.

August 12, 2015

Treatment for Pinched Nerve Allows Pitcher to Play College Ball

Katrina Dupins

Aug. 12, 2015 | Two years ago, Andrea Kindrick, a stand-out pitcher for the Russellville Lady Cyclones softball team who will play for the University of Alabama this fall, began experiencing severe pain in her pitching arm. She had been treated with a variety of diagnoses including tendinitis and stress fractures. But none of the treatments were able to return her to previous performance levels.

August 3, 2015

Russellville Woman’s Scalp Reattached by UAMS Surgeon

Katrina Dupins

“I just remember the machine grabbing my hair and I was in it.” Cynthia Thompson, 22, was working at a factory in Russellville in June 2014 when machinery ripped her scalp from her head. She can recall many of the details clearly. “They pulled me out. I knew I was bleeding, but I didn’t realize…

July 30, 2015

Conference Focuses on Treatment for Emergency Situations

Katrina Dupins

July 30, 2015 | An anxious and worried mother rushes into an emergency room holding her sick baby. She’s obviously troubled but speaks little English.

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