December 17, 2020

Diagnosis of Aspirin-induced Inflammation is Key to Persistent Sinus Blockage

Katrina Dupins

Cathy Christensen-

Cathy Christiansen, of Bald Knob, was hospitalized at least seven times in the early part of 2019 with severe respiratory infections. She had sinus surgery in July to clear her sinuses, but the problem persisted. By August, she was back in the hospital. Imaging showed her sinuses were completely blocked again. “My doctor wanted to…

November 9, 2020

Professional Figure Skater Enjoys Freedom of Movement with New Hip

Katrina Dupins

Billie on Ice

Billie O’Neel has been skating most of her life. Her first pair of roller skates were steel and they clamped onto her shoes. She wore them down to a nub. She spent a lot of time in the roller rink as a child, but when she discovered ice skating, she never looked back. Today the…

October 28, 2020

UAMS Remembers Those Grieving Pregnancy and Infant Loss

Katrina Dupins

Love Lives Remembrance Ceremony

At dusk on Oct. 16, nurses, doctors, chaplains, community members and volunteers gathered outside the UAMS Medical Center to remember those touched by perinatal loss. Every year, UAMS Love Lives Bereavement Program organizes a Day of Remembrance to observe Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and remember grieving families. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there…

October 26, 2020

Second Opinion Leads to Life-Saving Vascular Surgery

Katrina Dupins

Sandra Harvey & DJ Greenlee

Sandra Harvey of Watts, Oklahoma, loves to cook for her husband and their seven grandchildren. She also loves to magnet fish, which is using a strong magnet to try and grab metal objects that are hidden or lost underwater. After a grim diagnosis in August from a Northwest Arkansas physician, she wasn’t sure whether she…

October 7, 2020

Exercise Program Helps Slow Parkinson’s Symptoms

Katrina Dupins


In a spacious room on the bottom floor of the Donald W. Reynold’s Institute on Aging, fitness instructor Kellie Coleman stands in front of a camera. She begins leading about a dozen people through an hour-long exercise class for patients living with Parkinson’s disease (PD). “Next, get on the edge of your chair, rotate your…

October 5, 2020

Scarless Hysterectomy Gives Sherwood Woman Peace of Mind

Katrina Dupins

Lee Butler with her grandchildren, Emily and Andrew.

Lee Butler loves to garden. Her family and her neighbors all enjoy the abundant foliage of hosta plants and ferns as well as the blooms on the rose and azalea bushes surrounding her Sherwood home. “People ask me how I have time to make them all so beautiful. I tell them, “It didn’t start out…

September 2, 2020

Famed Author Henry Cloud Chooses UAMS for Knee Replacement

Katrina Dupins

Henry Cloud, Ph.D.

When New York Times Bestselling author Henry Cloud, Ph.D., decided to do something about his knee pain, he turned to UAMS. In addition to writing 45 books and serving as a consultant to CEOs and leadership teams, Cloud has always been physically active. The Los Angeles resident is an avid golfer and enjoys hiking and…

July 27, 2020

San Francisco Woman Finds Help for Complex Surgery

Katrina Dupins

Bressie & Suen

Claudia Bressie’s tumor was non-cancerous, but it was aggressive and dangerous. Months of consultations at top universities and treatments proved ineffective for the San Francisco woman, until her journey brought her to UAMS. It began in 2017 when Bressie started having swelling, popping and clicking around her jaw. The discomfort grew from there to what…

July 23, 2020

Screening Tool Helps COVID-19 Patients Isolate

Katrina Dupins

Kristie Hadden, Ph.D.

The Office of Population Health at UAMS created a screening tool that would help identify people who may not have a safe place to isolate once testing positive for COVID-19. Kristie Hadden, Ph.D., is director of population health, an office created to address the needs of vulnerable groups. In the early days of the pandemic,…

July 13, 2020

Surgeries Resume, Clinics Reopen, Care Remains

Katrina Dupins

OR photo

While all clinics are now open at UAMS and elective surgeries have resumed, patient safety remains the number one priority for health care professionals.  All patients are screened before coming into the office or clinic areas. Health care professionals, patients and staff all wear masks and keep a six-foot distance between themselves whenever possible.  “We’re…

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