September 18, 2018

Faulkner County Woman Feels Boundless Following Joint Replacement

Katrina Dupins

Linda Simon

Sept. 18, 2018 | In most cases, broken bones heal once given proper surgical treatment. New bone forms to reconnect broken pieces. However, Linda Simon of Conway found herself still in pain long after a surgery to repair her broken hip in 2017.

September 6, 2018

Spinal Cord Stimulator Virtually Erases Woman’s Chronic Pain

Katrina Dupins

Joyce Williamson

Sept. 6, 2018| For 18 months, Joyce Williamson lived with constant pain. The discomfort was so intense that there were days she did not want to get out of bed. “Being in pain takes a lot out of you,” Williamson said. “It was constant, burning, bone-crushing pain. It affected my work, everything. I was beginning…

August 23, 2018

Multi-Disciplinary Structure Provides Best Care for Maternal Fetal Medicine

Katrina Dupins

Charlotte and Emelia Dubs with their parents Kenzie and Morgan.

Charlotte and Emelia Dubs are just starting to toddle around their world. The 1-year-old twin girls from Conway spend their days exploring, laughing, blowing kisses and keeping their parents, Kenzie Butcher-Dubs and Morgan Dubs, on their toes.

August 13, 2018

Essential Tremor Patient Says Surgery was Life-Changing

Katrina Dupins

Kimberly Zimmer visits neurologist Rohit Dhall, M.D., to check the results of her deep brain stimulation surgery.

Aug. 13, 2018 | Kimberly Zimmer stretches her arms out in front of her and smiles. The 50-year-old is showing off how steady her hands are. “Never in my life have I been able to hold my hands that still,” she said. Zimmer had been diagnosed with essential tremor as a child. Fellow students bullied…

August 3, 2018

Fort Smith Man Regains Vision After Nearly Two Years in the Dark

Katrina Dupins

Katie Brown, O.D. examines Mack Farris' eye.

Aug. 3, 2018 | For the past few months, Mack and Karen Farris have spent lots of quality time taking in sights. The Fort Smith couple has enjoyed sunsets on the beach, trips back to their hometown in Alabama, visiting friends and family in Mississippi and Georgia and boating with dolphins in Florida It is…

July 23, 2018

Not a Step Slower: Knee Replacement Produce Maximum Strength, Mobility

Katrina Dupins

David Flory (r) and Rick Gautier (l) play a game of pickle ball.

July 23, 2018 | Retired police chief David Flory, 59, and Rick Gautier, 66 play pickle ball together at the Village Church of Christ in Hot Springs Village. The paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis is not the only thing they share. They both recently had knee replacement surgery with…

July 10, 2018

Little Rock Musician: Surgery ‘Changed My Whole Life’

Katrina Dupins

Paul Campbell

July 10, 2018 | As a musician, 37-year-old Paul Campbell generally keeps a busy schedule. If he’s not playing live music with a band, he’s producing in a studio, instructing students as an adjunct professor at Arkansas Baptist College or serving as a career coach at the University of Arkansas Pulaski Tech. Campbell even took…

June 20, 2018

Maumelle Man Diagnosed Twice with Head & Neck Cancers

Katrina Dupins

Brendan Stack, M.D. with patient John Foster

June 20, 2018 | As John Foster prepares for a summer of travel and merriment, he and his wife, Rebecca, are happy they have made health a priority. Eleven years ago, Foster felt a lump in his neck while shaving. He said at first he thought little about it, assuming it may have just been…

June 15, 2018

Deep Brain Stimulation Puts Pulaski County Man Back in Control

Katrina Dupins

June 15, 2018 | Jim Kimbrough of Scott hadn’t been able to drink a cup of coffee without spilling it in three years. That was until tiny electrodes were placed in areas of his brain that control movement in a procedure called deep brain stimulation. The electrodes stimulate the area, and slow down the tremors,…

May 21, 2018

UAMS Researchers Unlock More Clues to Alzheimer’s; Illustrates How Protein Risk Factor Interacts with DNA

Katrina Dupins

LITTLE ROCK — University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) researchers led by Sue Griffin, Ph.D., have found a way to illustrate how a protein known to be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease interacts with DNA. Sue Griffin, Ph.D., is an internationally known Alzheimer’s disease researcher at UAMS. The findings were published February 2018…

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