July 21, 2020

National Cancer Database at UAMS Becomes U.S. Storehouse for COVID-19 Images

David Robinson

A Chest Radiograph (left) and Computed Tomography (CT) image (right) of the same COVID-19 patient taken one day apart. These UAMS images, now publicly available in the national Cancer Imaging Archive, show COVID-19 lung infection similar to pneumonia. Medical experts refer to the appearance as ground glass opacities, a haziness overlying the lung that is common with COVID-19 patients.

LITTLE ROCK — A national database for patient cancer images at UAMS will become the storage site for COVID-19 clinical images from across the United States and around the globe, including chest x-rays and CT scans of the body. This week, UAMS also became the first research institution to contribute de-identified images of COVID-19 to…

June 29, 2020

UAMS to Aid $20 Million Statewide Effort to  Build on Data Science Strengths

David Robinson

Fred Prior, Ph.D., is leading UAMS' part of the statewide cyberinfrastructure project.

LITTLE ROCK — The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) received $1.9 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to help the state establish a cyberinfrastructure platform that will improve on Arkansas’ existing data science strengths and competitiveness. The money is part of a five-year $20 million grant from NSF’s Established Program to Stimulate…

June 25, 2020

Showcase Highlights UAMS COVID-19 Research

David Robinson

UAMS Emergency Department physicians developed a portable intubating frame to protect health care workers from COVID-19 infection.

UAMS researchers are confronting COVID-19 with a range of potentially significant studies, including antibody and genomic testing, the use of existing medications, and innovations that more effectively protect health care workers from infection. This work and much more was highlighted in 21 presentations at the June 18 UAMS Showcase of Medical Discoveries – A Focus…

UAMS-Developed High-Accuracy COVID-19 Antibody Testing Begins in Arkansas

David Robinson

LITTLE ROCK — The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) has developed and begun using high-accuracy antibody testing to determine the magnitude of COVID-19 infection in Arkansas and inform the decisions of policymakers. As part of the research program, UAMS will collect blood samples from nearly 7,500 Arkansas adults and children through October. By…

June 22, 2020

UAMS Part of International Effort to Build AI Platform for Cancer Research

David Robinson

Fred Prior, Ph.D., has a leading role in international effort to apply artificial intelligence to cancer research.

LITTLE ROCK — The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) will have a key role in a major international effort using artificial intelligence (AI) to teach computers at local research centers how to recognize cancer. UAMS has received a four-year grant of $894,074 as part of EuCanImage, a nearly $9 million cancer research project…

June 11, 2020

UAMS Research Pilot Awardees Named for Biomedical Informatics Studies

David Robinson

Awardees named for biomedical informatics research pilots.

The UAMS Translational Research Institute (TRI) today announced four recipients of its biomedical informatics-focused pilot grants. The recipients are required to use translational biomedical informatics approaches to health care issues that particularly affect rural individuals and/or that directly examine or impact rural health. They will receive up to $50,000 for their one-year projects and are…

June 4, 2020

Pioneering UAMS Study Warns of CBD Supplements’ Harm to Gut Health

David Robinson

Igor Koturbash, M.D., Ph.D., led the study finding that CBD can harm the gut microbiome.

LITTLE ROCK –  Researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) and the University of Mississippi are warning in the first study of its kind that CBD supplements in high doses can be harmful to the gut microbiome. The study, “Potential Probiotic or Trigger of Gut Inflammation – the Janus-Faced Nature of Cannabidiol-Rich…

May 26, 2020

Free UAMS Science Camp Goes Zoom

David Robinson

LITTLE ROCK – Central Arkansas students from first through 12th grades will have plenty of opportunities this summer to participate in interactive science programs through the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Although COVID-19 prevents in-person activities, UAMS’ Kevin D. Phelan, Ph.D., has devised a plan to offer three interactive ArkanSONO STEM (Science, Technology,…

Study Uses Digital Equipment to Monitor Heart Patients at Home

David Robinson

Leanne Lefler, Ph.D., APRN, with Steve Bruno, a heart attack survivor who is now part of the patient advisory board for the study Lefler is leading.

Steve Bruno worries every day about having another heart attack or stroke. The 62-year-old Sherwood resident is doing what he can to continue beating the odds since a simultaneous heart attack and stroke brought him to UAMS five years ago. Bruno is one of about 438,000 heart failure survivors in Arkansas. Nearly a quarter will…

May 12, 2020

Funded Training Announced for Three Early-Career Researchers

David Robinson

Elisabet Borsheim, Ph.D., and Brooks Gentry, M.D., co-leaders of the KL2 Program, here at the UAMS Translational Research Institute's fall 2019 Planning Retreat.

The UAMS Translational Research Institute has selected three early-career researchers to receive KL2 Mentored Research Career Development Awards. The KL2 program, co-led by Elisabet Borsheim, Ph.D., and Brooks Gentry, M.D., provides two years of research training to promising junior faculty. It provides 75 percent salary support and up to $25,000 per year for research, tuition,…

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