December 13, 2019

TRI Announces Pilot Recipients for Special Populations Studies

David Robinson

Henry K. Wong, M.D., Ph.D., explains his research in a video he produced as part of the pilot award application process.

The Translational Research Institute (TRI) has awarded three pilot research grants to UAMS faculty for studies of special populations in Arkansas.

December 12, 2019

Kissing Bugs Linked to Hepatitis Virus, UAMS Researchers Say

David Robinson

David Ussery, Ph.D., led the UAMS team that links hepatitis to kissing bugs.

A genetics study of hepatitis viruses by a UAMS research team appears to be the first to shed new light on its origins, linking hepatitis A, known for infecting humans and other animals, to an insect virus. The team and its German-based consultant published the findings in MicrobiologyOpen, providing important new insight for researchers seeking…

December 10, 2019

UAMS Community Partners Honored at Celebration Dinner

David Robinson

The Community Partner Celebration drew more than 100 attendees.

The UAMS Translational Research Institute’s Seventh Annual Community Partner Celebration recently honored 35 community partners for their crucial work in improving the health of all Arkansans and their exceptional partnerships with UAMS. Held Nov. 8 at the Mosaic Templars Cultural Center in downtown Little Rock, this year’s celebration included a recognition ceremony and dinner, live…

December 9, 2019

Students See Career Possibilities at Community Scientist Academy

David Robinson

Amari Doss joined her classmates to present their posters to graduation attendees and other visitors.

High school student Kaniya Lawson was excited to learn that research could be part of her possible career as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. She was among the 24 Little Rock School District students who graduated from the fall 2019 UAMS Translational Research Institute’s  Community Scientist Academy. “They had actual researchers come in and show us…

November 22, 2019

UAMS’ Female Orthopaedic Surgeons Pay it Forward

David Robinson

Laurie Hughes, M.D., (right) a retired orthopaedic surgeon, assists female high school students as they make repairs to simulated bones and joints.

Thirty-five high school girls from across Arkansas spent a recent Saturday at UAMS wielding power tools. They drilled, sawed and hammered simulated bones (sawbones) in sessions that included casting, suturing, and repairing broken bones, torn knee ligaments and rotator cuffs. As part of the Perry Outreach Program, the students, selected from about 100 applicants based…

November 18, 2019

UAMS Awards to Help Doctors Get Research Findings into Practice

David Robinson

Geoffrey Curran, Ph.D., announces the first cohort of Implementation Science Scholars during the recent TRI strategic planning retreat.

The UAMS Translational Research Institute (TRI) and the Center for Implementation Research (CIR) have selected five UAMS/ACH clinical faculty as its first class of Implementation Science Scholars. Implementation science is the study of methods to promote the uptake of research findings into medical practice. Using the principles of implementation science, CIR faculty will guide the…

October 23, 2019

UAMS Researchers Demonstrate Rapid DNA Sequencing for TechFest Attendees

David Robinson

UAMS’ Thidathip (Tip) Wongsurawat, Ph.D., demonstrates use of a hand-held DNA sequencing device.

Among the many things attendees of the recent TechFest Little Rock learned is that cutting-edge applications of genome sequencing are happening just a few miles away – at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). UAMS’ David Ussery, Ph.D., led a workshop at the Oct. 9-11 event that highlighted recent advances in genomic sequencing,…

October 7, 2019

UAMS Pain Study Device Gets Amputee off the Couch

David Robinson

Jared Jackson (left), at his final study visit at UAMS, with Davis Fleming, M.D.,a Translational Research Institute research coordinator.

A year ago, Jared Jackson, 40, was spending a lot of time sitting or lying around. But not because he was lazy; his right leg had been amputated below the knee in 2011, and the pain was almost too much to take. In fact, sometimes he passed out. “My pain started about a month after…

October 2, 2019

Showcase Affirms Maturity of Community-Engaged Research at UAMS

David Robinson

Kisa Vaughn, M.P.A., presents her poster to Reza Hakkak, Ph.D., on the Passion Project, which showed how additional health resources can improve health in African-American women with substance use disorder

Kate Stewart, M.D., MPH, was smiling as she gestured toward the room packed with community engagement-themed research posters at the Sept. 25 UAMS Showcase of Medical Discoveries. “Community-engaged research has grown a lot in the 22 years I have been here,” said Stewart, who leads the UAMS Translational Research Institute’s Community Engagement Program. “We would…

September 16, 2019

Researchers Discover Services and Opportunities at First UAMS Research Expo

David Robinson

Yuet-Kin “Ricky” Leung, Ph.D., enjoyed the Research Expo with Nagai C. "Neville" Tam, Ph.D.

The UAMS Research Expo was a new experience for Yuet-Kin “Ricky” Leung, Ph.D., and one that will help get his research on solid footing as a new faculty member. “I’ve never seen this kind of expo before, and it’s very helpful for me,” said Leung, an associate professor in the College of Medicine Department of…

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