February 27, 2019

UAMS Researchers Lead First Rapid Sequencing of Multiple Viruses Using Pocket-Sized Device

David Robinson

Thidathip (Tip) Wongsurawat, Ph.D., with the hand-held nanopore device used for the first time to sequence multiple viruses.

An international team of researchers led by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) is the first to deploy a pocket-sized nanopore device for rapid genetic sequencing of multiple human viruses. The findings are published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, the world’s most cited microbiology journal. UAMS’ Thidathip (Tip) Wongsurawat, Ph.D., and Piroon…

February 15, 2019

Public Invited to Learn About, Sign Up for Historic Research Volunteer Program at UAMS

David Robinson

The NIH All of Us program will visit UAMS March 5-9.

NOTE: This release has been updated to reflect a change in the All of Us Exhibit and Enrollment Center schedule at UAMS. The traveling exhibit/center will be on the UAMS Little Rock campus through Friday, March 8, not Saturday, as previously planned. LITTLE ROCK — The public is invited to the traveling National Institutes of…

January 28, 2019

Diabetic Pain Study at UAMS Enrolling Participants to Test Spinal Cord Stimulation Device

David Robinson

Erika Petersen, M.D.

People with chronic painful diabetic neuropathy are being enrolled in a University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) research study of a spinal cord stimulation device designed to reduce the pain. Led at UAMS by Erika Petersen, M.D., a neurosurgeon and researcher, the study is part of a clinical trial being conducted at sites across…

January 25, 2019

UAMS Researcher Joins International Colleagues in Journal Science Urging Open Access to Genomics Data

David Robinson

David Ussery, Ph.D., conducting a sequencing workshop. (file photo)

Scientific discovery could be accelerated with more open access to genomic data, says an article in the latest journal Science by a group of research leaders from across the globe that includes David W. Ussery, Ph.D., at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). “We argue that the publicly available data should be treated…

January 7, 2019

UAMS Awards Six Grants for Opioid / Pain Research

David Robinson

(Image credit: Science News/Federico Gastaldi)

Six UAMS researchers have received pilot awards for opioid addiction and pain management studies. The one-year awards of up to $25,000 each will help the researchers get the preliminary data needed to apply for larger federal grants to continue and expand their research at UAMS. Below are the awardees, research study titles, and links to…

December 7, 2018

First UAMS Digital Health Conference a Hit for Researchers, Providers

David Robinson

Curtis Lowery, M.D., welcomed the 80-plus attendees to UAMS' first Digital Health Conference.

Nearly everyone in the audience raised their hand when Curtis Lowery, M.D., asked if they used their smartphones for banking or making purchases. In welcoming UAMS’ first Digital Health Conference on Nov. 30, he told the 80-plus attendees the health care industry has been frustratingly slower to follow the banking industry’s embrace of digital technology….

UAMS Exercise Study Looking for Pregnant Women with Depression

David Robinson

Ten pregnant women are needed for a study testing exercise as a possible treatment for depression during pregnancy.

A new study at UAMS is testing whether exercise for pregnant women with depression could become an evidence-based treatment and alternative to antidepressant medications. The pilot study supported by the UAMS Translational Research Institute is the first to test exercise as a possible treatment option for depression during pregnancy. Ten pregnant women with depression are…

November 26, 2018

UAMS Recognizes Community Partners at Awards Dinner

David Robinson

UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA (left), and TRI Director Laura James, M.D. (far right), presented the award to the Rev. William H. Robinson, Deborah Bell and Arlene Williams.

Better Community Development Inc. (BCD), which has a 25-year history of collaboration with UAMS, received the Chancellor’s Community Research Partner Award at the UAMS Translational Research Institute Community Partner Celebration.

November 16, 2018

UAMS Graduates 10 from Community Scientist Academy

David Robinson

The fall 2018 Community Scientist Academy graduates are (l-r): Christine Murrell, Karen Boone, NaKisha Holmes, Sherita Williams, Sarah Pilcher, Jerusha Wynn, Dr. Julia Chears-Young, Jay Young and Ferrin Lunestad.

Researcher Tiffany Haynes, Ph.D., threw down the gauntlet for the 10 graduates of the UAMS Community Scientist Academy. “You can’t stop here,” Haynes, assistant professor in the UAMS College of Public Health, said in her keynote speech. She urged the group at their Oct. 30 graduation to share their experience in the academy on social…

October 31, 2018

Klimberg Lectureship Brings Breast Cancer Luminaries Back to UAMS

David Robinson

Isabel Rubio, M.D., Ph.D., with Suzanne Klimberg, M.D., Ph.D., said Klimberg and UAMS changed her life.

Breast cancer treatments have improved dramatically over the last 20 years, with UAMS surgical pioneers such as V. Suzanne Klimberg, M.D., Ph.D., and Isabel T. Rubio, M.D., Ph.D., helping lead the way. Rubio, of Madrid, Spain, spent time at UAMS starting in 1996 as a Virginia Clinton Breast Oncology Fellow. She recently shared some of…

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