March 18, 2022

UAMS to Host In-Person Summer Day Camp for Grades 9-11

David Robinson

LITTLE ROCK — High school freshmen, sophomores and juniors are invited to apply for a free in-person summer day camp June 13-17 at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). The science-themed SONOcamp is limited to 60 students in Little Rock and surrounding areas. Apply here. Applications are due by March 30. During the…

March 16, 2022

Study Puts More Than 50 UAMS Faculty Among Top 2% of Influential Researchers

David Robinson

Shuk Mei Ho, Ph.D., UAMS vice chancellor for Research and Innovation, said the lengthy list of influential UAMS faculty is a testament to the institution’s high priority for research.

LITTLE ROCK — A study by Stanford University lists over 50 current and retired UAMS faculty among the top 2% of most influential researchers. The study is based on an analysis of Scopus, the largest database of peer-reviewed research literature. To determine the most influential researchers, the study authors used a combination of citation metrics…

March 2, 2022

High School Student Earns Spot on UAMS Research Team

David Robinson

Anu Iyer, a junior at Little Rock Central High School, was invited to join a UAMS research team studying Parkinson's disease.

When a UAMS Parkinson’s disease research project needed someone with machine learning expertise, Fred Prior, Ph.D., asked Anu Iyer if she would be interested. It would have been a routine invitation among researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), but Iyer is a junior at Little Rock’s Central High School. Prior, Iyer’s…

March 1, 2022

UAMS Receives National Accreditation for Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program

David Robinson

The Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program fellows are: (l-r) Salem AlGhamdi, MBBS (emergency medicine); Daniel Liu, M.D. (pediatrics); Lori Wong, M.D. (preventive medicine); and Jacob Wooldridge, M.D. (pathology). Pictured separately below is Obeid Shafi, M.D. (pediatrics).

LITTLE ROCK — The  University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) recently became the only institution in Arkansas and among the first in the country to gain national accredition of its Clinical Informatics Fellowship Program for physicians. The fellowship accreditation comes from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME), providing 10 years of continued…

February 11, 2022

UAMS Part of New Statewide Core Facilities Exchange for Researchers

David Robinson

The Core Facilities Exchange (CFE) allows researchers across Arkansas to share resources and equipment.

The Arkansas Research Alliance (ARA) on Tuesday launched the Core Facilities Exchange (CFE), which allows researchers across Arkansas to share resources and equipment. The CFE is a partnership with the six major research facilities in Arkansas, including the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). The launch and demonstration of the web-based CFE platform included remarks…

January 26, 2022

UAMS’ Kevin D. Raney, Ph.D., Named Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science

David Robinson

Kevin Raney, Ph.D., in his lab at UAMS.

 LITTLE ROCK — Kevin D. Raney, Ph.D., a research leader at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), has been elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s largest general scientific society and publisher of the Science family of journals. Raney is professor and chair of the…

January 25, 2022

UAMS Research Team Finds COVID-19 Has Mutation Limits

David Robinson

Illustration of COVID-19 new mutation

LITTLE ROCK — A University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) research team has found that while the coronavirus can create dangerous variants like delta and omicron, its ability to mutate has limits that should help drug and vaccine makers trying to thwart it. Drawing from global databases with millions of sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes, the…

December 7, 2021

UAMS Researchers Discover Potential Way to Control Immune Responses

David Robinson

UAMS' Hui-Ming Chang, M.D., and Edward T.H. Yeh, M.D., have led the research behind a discovery of a possible way to control immune responses.

LITTLE ROCK — Researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) have discovered how a key switch in the body’s immune response is turned on and off, opening the door to new treatments for those with life-threatening, uncontrolled immune responses.

November 26, 2021

UAMS Testing ‘Big Advance’ in Spinal Cord Stimulation; First Arkansas Participant Now Pain Free

David Robinson

Cornelia Ann Smith of Calico Rock, Ark., here with two of her grandchildren, is pain free thanks to her participation in a UAMS study of an advance in spinal cord stimulation devices.

Cornelia Ann Smith’s severe chronic back pain disappeared almost as soon as the experimental spinal cord stimulator was activated in a procedure at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). “I realized the device was helping me immediately,” the Calico Rock, Ark., resident said. Then, back home, it really began to sink in. “I…

November 22, 2021

UAMS Researchers Receive $1.5 Million to Study Impact of Maternal Diabetes on Fetal Neurodevelopment

David Robinson

Members of the interdisciplinary research team include, (l-r): Heather Moody, RN, Eric Siegel, M.S., Stefanie Kennon-McGill, Ph.D., Hari Eswaran, Ph.D., Shannon Rose, Ph.D., Luis Mercado, Ph.D., Diana Escalona-Vargas, Ph.D., and Debopam Samanta, M.D.

LITTLE ROCK —Researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) hope to gain important insights about fetal neurodevelopment in a new study with diabetic pregnant mothers. Funded by a four-year, $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the first study of its kind will use advanced fetal monitoring techniques and…

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