November 3, 2020

October Town Hall Focuses on Employee Wellness

Yavonda Chase

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, introduces a full panel of speakers during the Oct. 28 Town Hall.

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, and other UAMS leaders urged employees to take time for themselves during an Oct. 28 Town Hall.

Stocked & Reddie Needs Boxes

Yavonda Chase

Stocked & Reddie needs boxes with lids (copy paper sized) for delivering food to Team UAMS members who are quarantined at home.

October 29, 2020

Implicit Bias Training

Yavonda Chase

The Division for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DDEI) is excited to announce the launch of a momentous initiative for UAMS. Per the Vision 2029 strategic plan, UAMS will require completion of a cultural humility/implicit bias workshop, on an annual basis, for all UAMS faculty and staff state-wide beginning in November 2020.

October 26, 2020

Program Highlights Managers Leading Engaged Teams

Yavonda Chase

“Right now, UAMS is really focusing on increasing employee engagement, which can sometimes be difficult for managers to really understand and implement,” said Shelby Fray, senior OD consultant. “The idea behind this interview series is to listen to managers who are already engaging their employees and find out how they’re doing it.”

The Organizational Development Department in the UAMS Office of Human Resources is highlighting managers at UAMS who are leading highly engaged teams.

October 22, 2020

UAMS Drug Free Campus Notice

Yavonda Chase

As a drug free campus, all employees, faculty and students must acknowledge that they have received the notice about the UAMS drug free campus program. You MUST log into MyCompass and check the box that you have received the notice.

Plateau Street Between Pine and Cedar Closed; Don’t Cut Through Parking Lots

Yavonda Chase

Plateau Street between Pine and Cedar Streets closed to traffic July 8 and will remain closed until approximately September 2022 as part of the project to reroute Pine and Cedar. Please DO NOT cut through the Walgreen’s and Subway parking lots as this creates a dangerous situation.

October 16, 2020

Get Healthy UAMS Presents First Virtual Health Fair

Yavonda Chase

Margaret Pauly, a registered dietitian, joins Mande Corbett from Stocked and Reddie to demonstrate how to prepare Cuban black beans.

More than 400 Team UAMS members tuned in Oct. 13 for the first Virtual Health Fair, sponsored by Get Healthy UAMS.

October 14, 2020

UAMS Scam Calls

Yavonda Chase

A person who identified himself as Trevor with Physicians Network/Northwestern Mutual has called UAMS faculty, stating that he was calling to schedule a financial planning meeting. The person stated that this is a service that UAMS is offering to faculty. Please be aware that this is a scam. TIAA and Fidelity are the only UAMS vendors that we use for financial wellness planning. 

October 13, 2020

Campus Speed and Safety

Yavonda Chase

Parking Operations is collaborating with the Police Department to monitor and control speeding on campus parking decks and streets. UAMS has purchased a speed trailer like those used on city streets and highways. The speed trailer will display a vehicle’s current speed and flash if the speed limit is exceeded.

Muse is New Home for Conflict of Interest Disclosures

Yavonda Chase

Muse, UAMS’ new compliance and research management platform, will be the new location for all required annual Conflict of Interest disclosures at UAMS.  

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