
June 4, 2019

UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, Invested in Harry P. Ward Chancellor’s Distinguished Chair

Benjamin Waldrum

Patterson sits in his chair at the investiture ceremony. Behind him are (from left to right): Donald Bobbitt, Ph.D., Michael E. Mendelsohn, M.D., Steve Carpenter, M.D., John Goodson, and Gov. Asa Hutchinson.

Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, chancellor of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), was invested June 3 as the third recipient of the Harry P. Ward Chancellor’s Distinguished Chair.

June 3, 2019

Employees Honored at Awards of Excellence Ceremony

Kate Franks

The Sterile Processing Department received the Team Impact Award during the Awards of Excellence Ceremony on May 22. The department includes about 120 employees who ensure instruments needed for surgeries and procedures are sterile, safe and in working order.

The Medical Center’s Sterile Processing leadership team, Michael Arnold and Chief Nursing Officer Mary Helen Forrest were honored May 22 at the Awards of Excellence Ceremony, an event sponsored by the UAMS Medical Center Auxiliary.

May 31, 2019

Pregnant Women Facing Housing Insecurity Receive Prenatal Education

Ashley McNatt

Motherhood Together

Certificates were awarded to six pregnant women facing housing insecurity who completed a healthy pregnancy and baby prenatal program May 21 provided by UAMS. The program, “Motherhood together: A Journey in Love,” was put on by faculty and students from the UAMS colleges of Public Health and Nursing. “We knew there was a need for…

UAMS, Governor Celebrate Clinical Trials Day

David Robinson

Betty Fortner, a cancer survivor and clinical trial participant, briefly told her story to Gov. Asa Hutchinson and UAMS and ACRI research leaders during a photo opportunity for Clinical Trials Day.

A celebration of Clinical Trials Day was a chance for Gov. Asa Hutchinson to shake hands with UAMS researchers and hear the story of Betty Fortner, a cancer survivor and clinical research advocate.

May 30, 2019

UAMS Celebrates 10 Project SEARCH Graduates

Yavonda Chase

Ten interns graduated from the UAMS Project SEARCH program on May 21.

Members of Team UAMS gathered May 21 to celebrate 10 interns as they graduated from the 2019 UAMS Project SEARCH program, a job-training program that helps young adults with disabilities develop independent living and working skills.

May 29, 2019

Spollen, Hadden Receive Chancellor’s Teaching Awards

Spencer Watson

UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, and Provost Stephanie Gardner, Pharm.D, Ed.D., present Kristie Hadden, Ph.D., (center) with the Chancellor’s Award for Society and Health Education Excellence.

John Spollen, M.D., and Kristie Hadden, Ph.D., were recognized May 18 during the UAMS Commencement exercises as the recipients of the Chancellor’s Teaching Awards, a program established in 2004 to recognize excellence in teaching among UAMS faculty.

May 28, 2019

Undergrads Explore Cancer Research Careers at UAMS Workshop

Susan Van Dusen

INBRE workshop organizer Tom Kelly, Ph.D., gives instructions about the day's activities.

As Hendrix College junior John Pablo-Kaiser considers his career options, cancer research is high on the list. “We’ve made leaps and bounds in what we know about cancer, but there is so much left to learn. I really think of it like a new frontier,” he said.

May 21, 2019

UAMS Showcase of Medical Discoveries Celebrates Garcia-Rill Legacy

David Robinson

Center for Translational Neuroscience Director Edgar Garcia-Rill, Ph.D., with Vice Chancellor for Research Shuk-Mei Ho, Ph.D.

The UAMS Showcase of Medical Discoveries on May 15 was a celebration of UAMS’ first Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE), which brought in more than $21 million in research funding to UAMS over the last 15 years. UAMS’ Edgar Garcia-Rill, Ph.D., secured the COBRE funding to establish the Center for Translational Neuroscience (CTN). The program…

UAMS Financial Picture Much Improved, Patterson Says

Yavonda Chase

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, told employees at a May 14 town hall that UAMS has a much brighter financial picture than it did 18 months ago.

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, and other senior leaders told employees Tuesday that the financial picture for UAMS is much brighter than it was in fiscal year 2018.

May 20, 2019

UAMS Graduates 864 Health Care Professionals

Spencer Watson

Sharanda Williams (center), director of Academic Affairs in the UAMS College of Medicine, stands as marshal with students ready to receive their diplomas.

Degrees and certificates were awarded to 864 graduates of the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences’ (UAMS) five colleges and graduate school May 18 during a commencement ceremony at Verizon Arena in North Little Rock. Degrees were presented to 165 in the College of Medicine, 229 in the College of Nursing, 111 in the College of…

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