
January 6, 2016

Melanoma Survivor Kenneth Wolfe Celebrates Life and Hope

Ben Boulden

Melanoma survivor Kenneth Wolfe talks about his health care team at the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute.  

December 8, 2015

Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Lets Teen Walk and Run

Katrina Dupins

Dec. 8, 2015|“Can you believe that something this small is what has changed how well you move?” UAMS neurosurgeon Erika Petersen, M.D., said showing a wire the size of a spaghetti noodle to 15-year-old Darius Hoppis. Before the brain surgery, Darius was hardly able to walk. Now Darius is a warrior — a Western Grove…

December 1, 2015

Aneurysm Patient Encourages Others to Seek Screening

Yavonda Chase

Dec. 1, 2015 | What William Ford remembers most about the night he was rushed to the hospital in November 2014 is the pain. “It was absolutely excruciating,” he said. At first, his legs and hips hurt only when he moved, so he tried lying down in search of relief. When that didn’t help, his…

November 25, 2015

Two Schmieding-Trained Brothers Provide Care for Mother, Each Other

Ben Boulden

Nov. 25, 2015 | Brothers Ronald and J.C. Skipper don’t need to tell you about the virtues of home caregiving and love of family. They can just show it to you. When their mother, Willie Mae Skipper, began showing symptoms of vascular dementia at her home in Clarksdale, Miss., J.C. Skipper moved her to his…

November 24, 2015

Corneal Transplant Lets Hensley Woman Read Again


Nov. 24, 2015 | Jamie Whitaker, of Hensley, knew her eyesight was diminishing. As someone who loved to read, Whitaker could tell she was having more difficulty making out the words. It reached the point where she had trouble reading road signs and distinguishing whether an oncoming vehicle was a truck or car. Still, she…

November 18, 2015

Shock, Lowery and Archer Honored as Health Care Heroes

Yavonda Chase

Nov. 18, 2015 | Three UAMS physicians were recognized by Arkansas Business as Health Care Heroes during a Nov. 18 luncheon at Embassy Suites in Little Rock. The awards program honors individuals, companies and organizations that are making significant contributions to providing quality health care in Arkansas. John P. Shock, M.D., a distinguished professor in…

November 3, 2015

Beebe Man’s Leg Pain Gone after Treatment for Artery Disease

Yavonda Chase

Nov. 3, 2015 | When David McAfee showed up in January at a free peripheral artery disease (PAD) screening put on by UAMS, he didn’t know what to expect. All he knew is he had heard UAMS’ Matthew Smeds, M.D., on the news describing the symptoms of PAD, which sounded suspiciously like the debilitating pain…

October 27, 2015

Grateful Sarcoma Survivor Starts Charity to Fund Research

Yavonda Chase

Oct. 27, 2015 | Kristi Rogers is a woman on a mission. Her diagnosis with a rare form of cancer opened her eyes to the need for more research to help doctors better understand cancers that aren’t exactly household names. Cancers like alveolar soft-part sarcoma (ASPS), an incredibly rare type of sarcoma, which is a…

October 23, 2015

UAMS Awarded Nearly $1 Million for Medicaid Savings

Ben Boulden

Oct. 23, 2015 | UAMS today demonstrated it is leading the state in improving patient care while also saving money as Chancellor Dan Rahn, M.D., accepted $927,642 from Medicaid for its part in helping Arkansas avoid $34 million in Medicaid costs in 2014. UAMS received the largest amount of the $5.3 million that Medicaid and…

October 1, 2015

New Hip Gives Dardanelle Woman Back Her Life

Yavonda Chase

New Hip Gives Dardanelle Woman Back Her Life

Oct. 1, 2015 | By the time Nancy Zerr turned to Lowry Barnes, M.D., and UAMS for a total hip replacement, she was ready for the pain to stop. “For about a year and half before the surgery, it was hard to sleep at night. It was hard to get out of bed and walk,”…

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