
March 25, 2019

Study: CPAP Aids Weight Loss in Obese Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea


Dr. Mao at desk

Use of a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine in conjunction with dietary changes can aid in weight loss in specific patients, researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) found in a study that is being highlighted by an international professional society for endocrinology. Yuanjie Mao, M.D., Ph.D., is the lead researcher…

March 22, 2019

Inaugural Otolaryngology Conference a Success with Latest Updates


Dr. Gantz speaking at podium

The inaugural Otolaryngology Diamond Conference provided a national meeting ground for the exchange of ideas, as invited speakers and UAMS faculty highlighted the latest research, clinical techniques and management practices vital to the practicing ear, nose and throat doctor. The March 8-9 conference attracted attendees from across Arkansas and the United States. The UAMS Department…

March 18, 2019

Virtual Reality Reveals Challenges of Aging

Ben Boulden

Using virtual reality technology, Nathan King experiences a simulation of vision and hearing loss.

Nathan King was experiencing hearing loss and the blurred vision that comes with macular degeneration even though his eyes and ears were just fine. Through a computer simulation, King, an education coordinator in the new UAMS Institute for Digital Health & Innovation, was learning what the challenges are for older adults who live with these…

Neurostimulator Significantly Reduces Seizures for Missouri Man

Katrina Dupins

Matthew Pinegar visits Viktoras Palys, M.D. in a follow-up appointment after his RNS Surgery.

Matthew Pinegar was 3 months old when he had his first seizure. He was put on medication to keep them at bay, then taken off the medicine in junior high. “It wasn’t until I was 21 when I had my first grand mal,” Pinegar said. “After that happened and I looked back, I’m sure I…

March 15, 2019

Match Day Tests Nerves, Offers Huge Payoffs to Graduating Medicine Seniors


Student smiling at podium

Dreams really can come true — and for the 160-plus College of Medicine seniors who attended the annual Match Day event on Friday, those fulfilled wishes came in the form of envelopes that revealed where they will spend the next three to seven years as they complete their residency training. “It feels surreal,” said Daniel…

March 14, 2019

Nobel Laureate Says Teamwork, Relationships, Social Involvement Vital for Scientists


Scientist at podium addressing large crowd

Science is about relationships, Nobel laureate Harold Varmus, M.D., told the standing-room-only crowd at Student Research Day. The work is collegial, the results are meant to be shared, and its discoveries are inseparably linked to a wider social and political context.

March 11, 2019

Physician Living with Parkinson’s: No One Should Go Through It Alone

Katrina Dupins

Glenn Davis, M.D., was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2007.

Every year in America, health care professionals diagnose 50,000 to 60,000 new cases of Parkinson’s disease. In 2007, Glenn Davis, M.D., was one of those patients, though he’d experienced symptoms a few years prior.

Bill Signing Propels UAMS Cancer Institute’s Quest for NCI Designation

Susan Van Dusen

(From left) Arkansas Sen. Missy Irvin; UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA; and Rep. Michelle Gray look on as Gov. Asa Hutchinson (seated) signs Senate Bill 151 in support of the UAMS Cancer Institute's quest for National Cancer Institute Designation.

With the stroke of a pen, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson brought the UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute one step closer to its goal of achieving National Cancer Institute (NCI) Designation.

March 8, 2019

Undergraduates Visit UAMS on Diversity Day

Spencer Watson

Visiting undergraduates heard from current UAMS students during a lunch discussion panel.

Undergraduate students from across the state got a personal introduction to UAMS and the variety of career options available in health care recently through Diversity Day. More than 145 students and 15 advisors from 20 Arkansas universities and a few surrounding states attended the annual conference-style event, hosted by the UAMS Center for Diversity Affairs….

March 6, 2019

CenteringPregnancy: Bonding, Building Relationships with Other Mothers, Caregivers

Kelley Cooper

Pregnant women in circle touching bellies

If knowledge is power, then the five women who just completed UAMS’s first CenteringPregnancy program will be super moms. CenteringPregnancy is a way to share learning and experiences with other pregnant women and to be involved in their own care. This group of super moms, known as Group 1, began their journey eight months ago…

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