Graduate School

May 18, 2020

UAMS Graduates 914 Health Care Professionals

Spencer Watson

Members of the genetic counseling class of 2020 gather for a virtual celebration led by department chair Noelle Danylchuk, M.S.

Degrees and certificates were conferred to 914 graduates of the University of Arkansas Medical Sciences’ (UAMS) five colleges and graduate school on May 16. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, no commencement ceremony was held. A digital commencement program can be found here. Degrees were awarded to 165 in the College of Medicine, 255 in the…

May 11, 2020

Graduate School Recognizes Student Wellness, Nursing Program Support, COVID-19 Volunteers & Graduates


Group photo of Wellness Center staff

The faculty and staff of the Student Wellness Center were collectively honored as the Graduate Faculty of the Year at what would have normally been the Graduate School Spring Reception, announced via email this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. The Student Wellness Center is made up of Director Puru Thapa, M.D.; Vicki Flynn, M.D.;…

March 18, 2020

Aerospace Medicine Expert: Reach for the Stars by Finding, Believing your Dream


Dean McGehee with Dr. Clark and token

It’s possible to do things that have never been done before — like sky dive from near space — if you build on the past, learn from your mistakes, and don’t put limits on your dreams, said Jonathan B. Clark, M.D., the distinguished lecturer at Student Research Day. “Your task is to turn science fiction…

March 3, 2020

Aerospace Medicine Expert to Give Distinguished Lecture March 10


Portrait of Dr. Clark

The public is invited to hear a free lecture from Jonathan B. Clark, M.D. — an expert in aerospace medicine who has served numerous roles for NASA and the U.S. Navy — at 12:30 p.m. March 10 at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Clark will present “Touch the Future: Research, Medicine and…

November 4, 2019

New Exhibit Celebrates 140th Anniversary of UAMS

Spencer Watson

A new exhibit from the UAMS Historical Research Center celebrating the 140th anniversary of UAMS has been installed near the College of Medicine administrative offices.

Turning 140 years old means having a lot of history to celebrate. That history is the focus of a new exhibit composed by the UAMS Historical Research Center on display across from the College of Medicine administrative offices on the first floor of the Central Building. Those who researched, curated and installed the display said…

October 15, 2019

Students Explore Biomedical Sciences Options at Career Day


Rep talking to student at booth

A graduate degree in biomedical science serves as preparation for many different careers, but how do students decide which one might be the right fit? The 19th annual Career Day for Biomedical Sciences gave graduate and undergraduate students a chance to think about just that, and to hear about the different types of careers directly…

October 4, 2019

Celebrations Showcase Parade of Cultures at UAMS

Spencer Watson

International Fest included tables with cultural items, food by UAMS Catering and demonstrations, such as a traditional Filipino dance with candles.

Hundreds of members of the campus community recently packed the ground floor concourse of the UAMS Education II building to travel the world. About a dozen countries were represented at International Fest, the Sept. 27 culminating celebration of Diversity Month, organized by the UAMS Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and co-sponsored by the Chancellor’s…

September 25, 2019

Research Induction Ceremony Launches Graduate Students’ Path to Ph.D.

Linda Haymes

Twenty-five UAMS Graduate School students from seven programs received white lab coats Sept. 16, signaling their readiness to begin doctoral research.

Twenty-five UAMS Graduate School students from seven programs received white lab coats Sept. 16, signaling their readiness to begin doctoral research. The donning of new research coats embroidered with their name to celebrate their pursuit of doctoral degrees may seem like a transformative moment happening in an instant. In reality, a lot of work took…

September 12, 2019

Graduate Student Explores Potential of Handheld DNA/RNA Sequencers in Outbreaks


Alkam at lab bench with sequencer

Imagine there’s an outbreak of an infectious disease. Could health officials on the ground harness the power of new handheld DNA and RNA sequencers to monitor outbreaks in real-time and quickly contain them? This question lies at the heart of research published in the journal Infection, Genetics and Evolution by UAMS graduate student Duah Alkam….

August 6, 2019

Undergraduates Learn By Doing at Summer Research Symposium


Two male students presenting research at poster

Learning by doing and reinforcing concepts through presentation — those practices were the core lessons on display at the eighth annual Central Arkansas Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium at UAMS. About 115 undergraduate students from across Arkansas and the nation gathered in the I. Dodd Wilson Education Building to give poster presentations and oral presentations on…

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