Patient Stories

Couple Faces Dual Lung Cancer Diagnosis

Herla and Sharon Mullins’ lives may have taken an unexpected turn, but the end result gave them a start on a healthier future. Residents of the tiny Arkansas town of Ozone, the couple was often found on their “smokers’ porch,” enjoying cigarette after cigarette, year after year. When Herla began to lose his voice in…

Family of Survivors

“My mom, Becky Hale, battled breast cancer three different times, and my sister, Devon, was diagnosed in January 2013. The day after she found out she was in remission, we discovered I had cancer in both breasts too. Devon and I had double mastectomies eight days apart, and we went through treatment and recovery together. Sharing this experience as a family at UAMS and being able to laugh and cry together has made all the difference in the world.”

Ray of Hope

When 3-year-old Asher Ray started having pain in her leg, her parents never suspected the cause would be serious … but it was. Asher had Ewing sarcoma, a cancer that forms in the bone or soft tissue. It’s a rare cancer that only about 225 children and adults in the United States are diagnosed with…

Hermitage Woman Grateful for MammoVan

Feb. 26, 2015 | For Mary Vines, the glass is always half full. And worry is one feeling she tries to avoid. Having been diagnosed with cancer in both her breasts, Vines chooses to be grateful the disease was caught in early stages thanks to the UAMS MammoVan.

Family Thankful for Child’s Progress Over Cancer

Lexi Rawls can’t stop smiling. She’s a happy 4-year-old, who loves her family and her toys. The only difference is that Lexi is facing a challenge that no child should ever face: cancer. Lexi, Jessica, dad Josh and baby brother Adon have been away from their Bentonville home almost continually since late October when Lexi…

Dumas Man on a Mission About Male Breast Cancer

“You can do it in private. Nobody needs to know you’ve examined yourself. It’s a no brainer. If guys get breast cancer,” Gerry Vickers, 72, said, “why not feel once in a while?” The Dumas resident, who says he “never had any kind of tickle or an itch,” found his own acorn-sized mass one night…

Riding into Clear Vision

Before treatment at the UAMS Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute, Carolyn Hopkins’ vision was so poor that she needed assistance doing ordinary tasks that most people take for granted. While she was comfortable in her home in Pine Bluff, she needed her husband’s assistance in the grocery store to find her way around the…

Comprehensive Eye Care Under One Roof

When Peggy Hundley first started having eye problems in the late 1980s, she turned to the UAMS Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute. After multiple tests, she was diagnosed with sarcoidosis, a vascular condition that can affect many organs, including the eyes. Hundley was puzzled by the diagnosis and began an extensive search to learn…

Sight Changing, Life Changing

Palmalee Byrd was the little boy that all the other children made fun of on the playground. When he went to school for the first time, he couldn’t keep up because he was unable to see to read the board. He returned to school the next year with very thick glasses and was teased every…

When the Professor Becomes the Patient

Knowing his grandmother lost her sight in the 1960s due to glaucoma, Richard Zraick, Ph.D., sought the best in eye care after he became an adult. And when he became a professor of speech-language pathology in the College of Health Related Professions at UAMS in 1997, Richard had no idea just how much he would need the…

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