Patient Stories

Ten Years of Blindness Ended

At UAMS our goal is to provide the best care for every patient every day. Our patients say it best, and their stories are really the story of UAMS. All the formal awards and accolades just can’t tell the UAMS story better than the words of our patients. Sue Carter was successfully treated at the…

Brain Surgery Brings New Lease on Life

When Mary Grace Brockinton, of North Little Rock, went to her primary care doctor for severe headaches, she never imagined that a month later she would be having brain surgery. At age 24, Brockinton was enjoying life with her family and friends. In September 2013, she began to have headaches. The headaches were severe and…

Cornea Transplant Patient Grateful for Donor

Lisa Holt thinks about the family of her eye donor every March — National Eye Donor Month — and is grateful. “His family gave a total stranger the gift of sight. That truly is remarkable,” she said. Holt, from Lonoke, is no stranger to eye problems. She started wearing glasses in the second grade and…

Breast Cancer Survivor Keeps Hope Alive

Paula Rogers knows the difference that a simple act of kindness can make. As she was being wheeled into surgery for her second bout with breast cancer, Rogers’ doctor, V. Suzanne Klimberg, M.D., took her hand. “It was remarkable,” she said. “Dr. Klimberg took my hand and led the gurney to the operating room. I…

Aging Institute Helps Patient Thrive at 75

Note from Dr. Gohar Azhar: We reported in 2013 on Nancy Alewine’s adventures of zip-lining and skydiving from an airplane at 14,500 feet. Fast-track to 2016 and just a few weeks ago, at the age of 79, the remarkable Nancy Alewine successfully jumped off the 108th floor of the Stratosphere Tower in Las Vegas. The…

Perfect Timing at UAMS Saves Woman After Violent Accident

Perfect timing. That’s what Amy Kizziar needed one cold November day in 2011 when she was impaled by a two-by-six and endured multiple broken bones, gaping wounds and life-threatening blood loss. Perfect timing is what UAMS delivered that day when Kizziar’s routine morning commute turned nightmarish as a mobile home being transported on an 18-wheeler…

Patient, 88, Perseveres to Earn Graduate Degree

Shirley Pence, 88, has learned the open secret about aging: To be able to keep doing things, you need to keep doing things. “It’s about perseverance,” Pence said. A patient of Priya Mendiratta, M.D., in the Thomas and Lyon Longevity Clinic at the UAMS Donald W. Reynolds Institute on Aging, surgery at UAMS for carpal…

Women Discover Fibroids Cure at UAMS

Fibroids caused Nathalie Massanelli, 39, of Little Rock, to lose so much blood each month that she became anemic and afraid to go out in public. For Bridget Dooley, 44, of Hot Springs, the pain from fibroids was too much to bear. “It would start hurting a week before my menstrual period and just got…

Searcy Woman a Perfect Fit for First 30-Year Knee

Before UAMS provided her the first 30-year knee implants in Arkansas, Martha Pearson had been nearly crippled by recurring knee problems since childhood. She had nine knee surgeries from 1972 until 1990, when at age 31 there was no longer cartilage to repair. Without the cushion of cartilage, her knees were down to bone on…

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