Patient Stories

From Rocky Road to Baby Bump

If you had seen Catherine Wood Burton jogging the trails of Allsopp Park in Little Rock, you would have thought she was the picture of perfect health. But Catherine’s journey from near death to new life began with an appendectomy that led to a cancer diagnosis and ended with the birth of a healthy baby…

Myeloma Patient “In Good Hands”

Claudia Jessup’s life has taken her in many directions. Twenty years ago, she and her husband, Jonathan Richards, moved their young family from New York to Santa Fe, N.M. Jessup, an author, and Richards, a journalist and cartoonist, knew they could relocate their careers cross country with relative ease, while also giving their two daughters…

UAMS Delivers Christmas Gift

Michelle Stilwell and Jamey Nichols of Osceola got their Christmas wish when they took their infant daughter home just days before the holiday. Little Maggie Jane Nichols had spent 108 days in the hospital by then. Stilwell was just 23 weeks pregnant when she went into labor Sept. 24. “My obstetrician in West Memphis called…

Procedure Energizes Patient With Chronic Lung Disease

Bob Anderson’s health was deteriorating at an alarming rate before he saw Thaddeus Bartter, M.D., at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Recurring bouts of pneumonia led to a lung cancer diagnosis one month after he retired, and he developed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic bronchitis. Radiation treatment further reduced his lung function…

UAMS Patient Counts Her Blessings

When Karen Howlett counts her blessings, she starts with the three most dear: her daughter, her son and her vision. She wouldn’t have any of them, she said, without UAMS. Diagnosed with Marfan’s syndrome at age 5, Howlett’s parents knew she faced a life of challenges. Marfan’s syndrome is a genetic condition that affects the…

Home Visits Give New Parents ‘Peace of Mind’

After receiving the all clear for her son, Caleb, to leave the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Heather Baker was nervous. Although she’s a registered nurse, she doesn’t work with newborns, and as a new mom she wasn’t sure about the transition to life without the 24-hour expert care…

Preemie Success Stories Displayed on UAMS ‘Wall of Hope’

The success of the UAMS neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can be told with statistics, but numbers can’t convey the hope that has been put on display. At a ceremony in the UAMS Medical Center, families with children who were treated in the UAMS NICU helped unveil a photographic display called the Wall of Hope….

UAMS Uses Little-Known Procedure to Save New Mom

When 22-year-old Christina Gillihan left Searcy in an ambulance bound for UAMS on July 28, she and members of her family were hoping for a miracle. In the days and weeks after her daughter Kyra’s birth July 2 at a local hospital, Christina developed a blood clot in a main artery of her lung, then…

Breast Cancer Patient First for UAMS Lymphedema Surgery

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) is the first in Arkansas and one of a handful of medical centers in the country offering a new surgical alternative to treat lymphedema, the chronic arm swelling frequently associated with breast cancer treatment. The unique microvascular procedure at UAMS is performed by Mauricio Moreno, M.D., who…

Cord Blood Transplant Gives 18-Month-Old New Lease on Life

The weeks surrounding Valentine’s Day 2008 were heart-wrenching for Brian and Jennifer Odle. But because of an innovative use of cord blood and a strong-willed 18-month-old baby girl, the family’s memories of that winter soon evolved into a heartwarming affair. During a family fishing trip to their retreat on the Little Red River that February, the…

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