Patient Stories

Hip Resurfacing Gave Patient Her Life Back

At UAMS our goal is to provide the best care for every patient every day. Our patients say it best, and their stories are really the story of UAMS. All the formal awards and accolades just can’t tell the UAMS story better than the words of our patients. Joannie Cayce was able to get her…

Daughter’s Legacy Is Paying It Forward

When Pauline Wagnon’s mother, Virginia Thompson, was diagnosed with cancer in the mid-1940s and treated for free and cured at UAMS, Wagnon set her mind to paying it forward. Wagnon passed away September at age 89, but left behind a $185,268 life insurance gift to UAMS that not even her family knew about. Her family…

A Little Fighter

The UAMS Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a familiar place for Susan Bryant, R.N. As a NICU nurse, she sees and cares for babies who entered the world too early and are fighting to survive. However, this familiar scene became an unfamiliar one when it was her own son in one of the isolettes. Bryant…

Arthritis Patient Can Hold Wife’s Hand Again

After suffering from a severe condition of rheumatoid arthritis, Teddy Jones is now able to walk again. For four years, he spent his time either in his wheelchair or hospital bed. He was unable to do any of the activities outside that he enjoyed doing such as gardening and fishing. Teddy credits UAMS for his…

Walking Into a Healthier Lifestyle with SilverSneakers

After losing her husband of 47 years, Joyce Elrod felt a little lost herself. She had spent countless hours at the hospital with him before he passed away, and she was his constant caregiver for several years prior to his death. After his death, she gained some weight and became depressed. Months after her husband’s…

Love and Longevity

Soon after celebrating his 80th birthday, Philip Jonsson started feeling a little O-L-D. Slowing down was unheard of in this talented businessman’s lifestyle. For many years, he had been an active member of business and civic communities in Arkansas and Texas, working in the petroleum exploration and production industry and running financial institutions. Currently, he…

Fibroids Procedure Doesn’t Slow Runner Down

An avid runner and Zumba teacher, Kanisha Caesar was the picture of perfect health. So when she began experiencing intense pain one  spring, she knew something wasn’t right. Caesar was accustomed to experiencing some cramping at the beginning of her monthly cycle. But after almost six consecutive days of serious pain, she decided to visit an…

Volunteers Help Cancer Patients on the Road to Recovery

When John Ritchie had the chance to retire in 2013, he took it. But he’s not letting his lack of a job slow him down. “With all my free time, I decided to start volunteering,” said Ritchie, who formerly served as an information technology technician at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). Working…

Olaya Gets Back in Competition

At UAMS our goal is to provide the best care for every patient every day. Our patients say it best, and their stories are really the story of UAMS. All the formal awards and accolades just can’t tell the UAMS story better than the words of our patients. UAMS patient Dr. Julio Olaya, pediatric anesthesiologist, was treated…

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