Surgery Patient Stories

Patient stories about Surgery

December 10, 2013

Arthritis Patient Can Hold Wife’s Hand Again

Kelly Gardner

After suffering from a severe condition of rheumatoid arthritis, Teddy Jones is now able to walk again. For four years, he spent his time either in his wheelchair or hospital bed. He was unable to do any of the activities outside that he enjoyed doing such as gardening and fishing. Teddy credits UAMS for his…

August 11, 2012

Varicose Vein Treatment Gives Educator Extra Pep

Kelly Gardner

When many people think of varicose veins, images of enlarged and bulging vessels visible through the skin come to mind. While that is often a telltale sign of the condition, varicose veins can sometimes exist deeper beneath the skin’s surface. “I didn’t have the typical symptoms,” said Lorraine Frazier, Ph.D., R.N., former dean of the…

Surgery Helps Teen ‘Blossom’ after Wreck

Kelly Gardner

For two years, 18-year-old Paige Collins of Harrison thought her fate was to live with a tilted neck following a 2012 car accident — until she came to UAMS. A tilted neck wasn’t her only injury. She endured a broken neck, fractured femur and tibia, internal bruising, and a T6 fracture. But after undergoing surgery…

October 10, 2010

Double-Knee Replacements Amaze Patient

Kelly Gardner

Sue Cromer of Fort Smith knew it was time for knee replacements when she could no longer baby-sit her two youngest grandchildren at her daughters home. “My daughter has a two-story house, and I couldn’t do the stairs,” said Sue, 64, a retired choir teacher. “I couldn’t walk without pain; if I did anything strenuous…

November 23, 2009

Man Injured in Motocross Accident Thanks Doctors Who Saved Him

Nate Hinkel

A routine motocross hurdle he safely navigated hundreds of times is at the root of the biggest hurdle Brent Adams has ever had to climb.

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