
September 15, 2017

UAMS Medical Students Pull for Each Other in Competition – and Medical School


Tug-of-war game

Sept. 15, 2017 | UAMS College of Medicine students gathered with faculty members, family and friends on the field at War Memorial Stadium on a September Saturday afternoon that started with food and games and ended with students literally pulling for one another. Just as in the tug-of-war matchups that capped the events at the…

September 12, 2017

UAMS Honors Individuals for Diversity Efforts


UAMS Diversity Awards 2017

Sept. 12, 2017 | Four members of the UAMS family were recognized Sept. 6 for their contributions to promoting diversity on campus and in the community at the UAMS Center for Diversity Affairs’ annual State of Diversity and Inclusion ceremony. Santiago Gonzales, a medical student in the UAMS College of Medicine; Brittney Roy, program coordinator…

August 31, 2017

UAMS Graduates Reunite, Some Decades Apart, at Alumni Weekend 2017

Benjamin Waldrum

Dr. Carl Weber, COP '67 (center), has his Golden Graduate medallion draped by J.R. Ritchey.

Aug. 31, 2017 | Amid all the handshakes, hugs, smiles and laughter, UAMS alumni reminisced and caught up on their divergent paths, delighted to be together again – some who hadn’t seen each other since graduation, decades ago. The 2017 Alumni Weekend held Aug. 18-20 welcomed back more than 200 graduates from all colleges with…

August 22, 2017

College of Pharmacy Class of 2021 Dons White Coats

Ben Boulden

Aug. 22, 2017 | On a recent trip, Grazyna Nowak, Ph.D., was reluctant to switch rooms when the hotel management asked if she would, she said Aug. 18 at the  White Coat Ceremony for the UAMS College of Pharmacy Class of 2021. A professor in the college’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and a recipient of…

August 18, 2017

Pharmacy Student Organizations Win National Chapter of the Year Awards

Ben Boulden

Aug. 18, 2017 | Two UAMS College of Pharmacy student organizations — chapters of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) and the Kappa Epsilon Professional Pharmacy Fraternity — recently walked away with chapter of the year awards. Kappa Epsilon won Chapter of the Year for 2015-2016. This year the meeting was Aug. 2-5 in New…

August 11, 2017

UAMS Diversity Programs Get $24,000 Boost from Bank of America

Benjamin Waldrum

Students who took part in the Center for Diversity Affairs' summer enrichment programs pose with center staff and Bank of America representatives Donnie Cook (back row, fifth from left) and Heather Albright (front row, holding check).

August 11, 2017 | An informal thank-you luncheon held Aug. 2 for UAMS Center for Diversity Affairs students and donors had a sweet ending, thanks to a surprise presentation of $24,000 from Bank of America. Although the event had been planned weeks in advance, the gift was not announced until the day before. Bank of…

August 1, 2017

Undergrads Practice ‘Dialogue of Science’ at Summer Research Symposium


Student at poster explaining research

Aug. 1, 2017 | Undergraduate scientists from across Arkansas wore buttons provided by the UAMS Graduate School that said “Ask Me about My Research” July 26 at the Central Arkansas Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. “Talking about science should be like talking about the weather. It should come that naturally,” said Grover P. Miller, Ph.D., professor…

June 28, 2017

Speakers Urge PA Students to Remember True Meaning of White Coat

Yavonda Chase

The Physician Assistant Class of 2019 recites the PA Professional Oath after the students received their white coats during a May 26 ceremony.

June 28, 2017 | The 36 members of the physician assistant program’s Class of 2019 were urged to remember the true meaning of the white coat as they donned the jackets for the first time and pledged to care for their patients.
Both Chancellor Dan Rahn, M.D., and College of Health Professions Dean Douglas L. Murphy, Ph.D., reminded the students during the May 26 ceremony that their white coats are not a status symbol that separates practitioners from their patients, but rather a reminder of the responsibility that health care professionals bear.

June 19, 2017

Interprofessional Education at the Heart of Student-led Clinics

Yavonda Chase

Bridget Fitzhugh, a dental hygiene student, and nursing student Kinsey Melton get ready to examine a patient’s teeth at the 12th Street Health & Wellness Center..

June 19, 2017 | Two clinics — the 12th Street Health & Wellness Center in Little Rock and the North Street Clinic in Fayetteville — exemplify UAMS’ commitment to interprofessional education.

June 14, 2017

UAMS Patent Hopefuls Gather for Medical Inventions Showcase

Benjamin Waldrum

Venumadhav Janganati (background), a post-doctoral fellow in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, explains his research on anti-leukemia drugs.

June 14, 2017 | Potential patents for medical inventions as small as a molecule prompted big discussions among UAMS researchers who gathered for a showcase hosted June 6 by the College of Medicine to highlight medical research. “Every poster you see here today has a patent application on file with the Patent and Trademark Office,”…

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