April 24, 2020
UAMS Pharmacy Alum Volunteers for COVID-19 Relief in California
A UAMS College of Pharmacy alumnus saw a need and decided to do something about it. Lee (Leland) Turner (class of 2014) traveled to Santa Clara, Calif., at the beginning of April to volunteer with an emergency relief organization called Team Rubicon that is delivering care to recovering COVID-19 patients in Silicon Valley. A native…
April 15, 2020
UAMS Students Collect Personal Protective Equipment for Health Care Workers
LITTLE ROCK – Students from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in both central Arkansas and Northwest Arkansas are collecting personal protective equipment (PPE) to distribute to health care workers throughout the state. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a critical national shortage of masks, surgical gowns and eye gear desperately needed by doctors,…
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