July 6, 2018

First-Year Residents from UAMS Regional Campuses Gather

Ben Boulden

Mark Jansen, M.D., standing center, speaks to a group of first-year residents.

July 6, 2018 | While health care in recent years has pursued the triple aim of patient satisfaction and positive health outcomes while reducing the costs, Mark Jansen, M.D., told first-year resident physicians June 21 there should be a fourth target — provider satisfaction. “If we don’t have healthy, happy providers, you are not going…

July 5, 2018

UAMS Gets Nurse Anesthesia Specialty Program Approval


UAMS College of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia

July 5, 2018 | The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) has received approval from the Arkansas Department of Higher Education for a Nurse Anesthesia specialty in the College of Nursing’s Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) program. The UAMS Council of Deans and the University of Arkansas Board of Trustees previously approved the program. The…

July 3, 2018

UAMS Telemedicine Program in Magazine School District Reduces Obesity

Ben Boulden

Students in the Magazine School District play during HealthyNow field Day.

July 3, 2018 | More than half of obese fifth through eighth graders in the Magazine School District reduced their obesity in the last year after participating in a program by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Center for Distance Health. The program is part of the School Telemedicine in Arkansas (STAR) program…

June 28, 2018

Study Shows UAMS Device Can Help Assess Fetal Health after Opioid Exposure

Ben Boulden

Hari Eswaran, Ph.D., Jessica Coker, M.D., center, and Diana Escalona-Vargas, Ph.D., stand next to the SARA imaging device. They completed a pilot study that determined the SARA can be used to assess the health of fetuses exposed buprenorphine.

June 28, 2018 | A biomagnetic technique developed at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) can be used to assess the brain and heart health of third-trimester fetuses exposed to opioids, UAMS researchers showed in a recent pilot study. The study was published online this month in the medical journal Addiction, authored by…

June 25, 2018

UAMS Eye Patient: To See Again is Phenomenal


Cindy Jones has dealt with eye issues for most of her life, but her treatment from David Warner, M.D., at UAMS' Harvey & Bernice Jones Eye Institute has resulted in positive change.

June 25, 2018 | Each visit to UAMS to see cornea surgeon David Warner, M.D., is a joyous occasion for Cindy Jones. That’s because with each visit in the year-long recovery after her cornea transplant, her vision improves. “Each time it was better and better,” said Jones. Jones, 44, has had a lifetime of vision…

Camp Shows Undergraduates Diversity of Pharmacy Career Paths

Ben Boulden

During the 12th annual Pharmacy Camp organized by the UAMS College of Pharmacy, the 23 students, seen here along with their counselors, learned about the wide range of careers open to them in the profession.

June 25, 2018 | For a dozen years, Pharmacy Camp at the UAMS College of Pharmacy has been creating uncommon experiences for 17- and 18-year-olds and efficiently compressing them all into a few days. “I could’ve spent the whole summer shadowing pharmacists here and there, but this put everything into one week and I was…

June 21, 2018

Beaumont Foundation’s $40K Funds 8 CON Scholarships


June 21, 2018 | The Beaumont Foundation has given $40,000 to the UAMS College of Nursing to fund eight scholarships for undergraduate and graduate nursing students. Four undergraduate students and four graduate students will receive $2,500 apiece during the fall semester as recipients of the Deborah Dorsa Carmon Beaumont Foundation Scholarship. Eight additional scholarships will…

Girls Shown Science, Technology Opportunities at UAMS


June 21, 2018 | A couple dozen school-aged girls broke into groups of four and five and spread out across the room. In each group, one girl stood in the center as the rest — armed with a pen, clipboard, paper and measuring tape — outfitted her with round, silvery, shiny markers to track movement….

June 20, 2018

UAMS College of Medicine Internal Medicine Residency Program at Northwest Regional Campus Earns Full Accreditation

Ben Boulden

June 20, 2018 | The Internal Medicine Residency Program  at the Northwest Regional Campus of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), was recently awarded a full, 10-year accreditation by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The residency program, launched in 2015, provides a three-year training period to recently graduated medical students…

June 18, 2018

Emergency Staff, First Responders Learn Best Practices


Doctors, nurses, first responders, police officers and firefighters gathered at UAMS in June for an update on emergency care and best practices.

June 18, 2018 | Emergency care requires health care professionals and first responders to be adept at reacting quickly and efficiently to a variety of needs. Staying abreast of the latest advancements in treating common conditions and identifying what needs to be done takes training and practice. About 100 health care professionals, first responders, police…

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