September 22, 2020

Lactation Pod Moves — Now Located Between Lobby Gallery and PRI

Yavonda Chase

The Mamava Lactation pod previously located next to the Lobby Cafe has moved. It is now located between Hospital Lobby Gallery and PRI.

Online Mindfulness Sessions at Noon

Yavonda Chase

Get Healthy UAMS and the UAMS Mindfulness Program are partnering to offer daily mindfulness sessions for employees and students.
Please join us at noon, Monday through Friday on Zoom.

September 17, 2020

Therapy Dogs Help Employees De-Stress

Yavonda Chase

Kewanna Gibbons scratches Lucy's belly during pet therapy Sept. 9.

Some very special four-legged volunteers are doing their part to relieve stress and boost morale among UAMS employees.

On the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, several canine members of the Special Pets Offering Therapy (SPOT) team trot to the UAMS Medical Center Lobby Gallery where they sit, lie down and roll over for employees who just need a short break from the day.

September 16, 2020

Time to Get Your Flu Shot; Clinics Open Sept. 21

Yavonda Chase

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, gets his annual flu shot. The popup clinics for employees, students and volunteers start Sept. 21.

Flu Shot Clinics for UAMS employees, students and volunteers will begin on Monday, Sept. 21.

Flu vaccinations are mandatory (HR.4.5.18) for all UAMS employees, volunteers and students. The deadline to receive your vaccination is Wednesday, Nov. 18.

September 14, 2020

UAMS Unveils Drs. Paulette and Jay Mehta Award in Creative Writing

Yavonda Chase

Jawahar “Jay” Mehta, M.D., Ph.D., and Paulette Mehta, M.D., M.P.H., have created the Drs. Paulette and Jay Mehta Award in Creative Writing to encourage creative expression at UAMS.

A belief in creative expression and a desire to encourage it amongst their colleagues is the reason the Mehtas donated $50,000 to UAMS to create the Drs. Paulette and Jay Mehta Award in Creative Writing.

September 10, 2020

Please Don’t Litter — Throw Away Your Stickers

Yavonda Chase

When you remove your screening sticker at the end of the day, please place it in an appropriate trash receptacle and not on signs, benches or other structures around campus.

The grounds crew works hard to keep our campus clean; please help them in this task.

September 8, 2020

New Online HCP Screening Process Starts for Employees and Non-Employees on Sept. 14

Yavonda Chase

UAMS employees and non-employees: An online Health Care Professional (HCP) Annual TB/Medical Screening process will replace the current requirement for annual TB skin testing and medical screening.

September MVP — Adam Carter

Yavonda Chase

Adam Carter, manager of the UAMS Fitness Center, is the September MVP of the Month.

Congratulations to Adam Carter, our September MVP of the Month!

August 27, 2020

Child Care Assistance for Essential Workers

Yavonda Chase

The Arkansas Department of Human Services is offering financial assistance through the CARES Act for essential workers in need of child care. There is no income requirement.

Also, the Office of Human Resources has prepared a list of child care facilities, resources and support programs to help employees manage possible child care needs.

August 20, 2020

Classroom Dedicated for Eating

Yavonda Chase

Classroom G225 in the Rahn Building has been designated as a place for students and employees to eat.

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