August 18, 2020

Updated Employee Separation Policy

Yavonda Chase

Effective Monday, Aug. 17, the updated Administrative Guide 4.5.16, Employee Separation Policy, went into effect in Compliance 360. 

August 17, 2020

Chancellor Praises Team UAMS at August Town Hall Meeting

Yavonda Chase

Recent accolades, including recognition by U.S. News & World Report for the second year, show that "UAMS is providing top-notch health care and education to the people of Arkansas," Chancellor Cam Patterson says at an Aug. 12 Town Hall.

Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, praised Team UAMS for recent accolades awarded the university and Medical Center as he kicked off his Aug. 12 Town Hall in the Spine Institute’s Fred W. Smith Auditorium.

August 13, 2020

Stocked & Reddie Celebrates One Year of Serving Team UAMS

Yavonda Chase

Calvin Tunstall picks up a gallon of milk at Stocked & Reddie. The food pantry celebrated its first birthday in July.

Stocked & Reddie celebrated its one-year anniversary with cupcakes and the resumption of Thursday hours – all in its new location in the Monroe Building (formerly the Red Cross building).

SEHS COVID Testing Moves to Monroe Building

Yavonda Chase

UAMS students and employees who need a COVID-19 test as determined by Student and Employee Health Services will be tested at the Monroe Building (former Red Cross Building) near the Ray Winder Parking Lot.

Neck Gaiters and Bandanas Prohibited

Yavonda Chase

Due to a newly published study by Duke University citing that neck gaiters and bandanas are not effective face coverings in protecting against COVID-19, they will no longer be allowed as appropriate face covering inside UAMS buildings. This policy will begin on Monday, Aug. 17, for all employees, students and patients.

August 10, 2020

Indoor Waiting Area for Clinic Visitors

Yavonda Chase

As of Monday, Aug. 10, the dining area and hallway on the first floor of the Aging Institute are open for visitors who are accompanying patients with appointments on campus. Due to physical-distancing restrictions, capacity is limited to only those with special needs and those who request a place to wait or use the restroom.

August 6, 2020

UAMS Health Rolls Out New Commercials

Yavonda Chase

UAMS Health released two commercials this week reassuring patients that UAMS is open for business.

UAMS Health rolled out two new television commercials this week to assure our patients we are open for business and taking every precaution for their safety – at the Medical Center, at our clinics and at Regional Campuses around the state.

August MVP — Alex Morris

Yavonda Chase

Alex Morris is the MVP of the Month for August.

Congratulation to Alex Morris, our August MVP of the Month!

Morris, an access coordinator at the UAMS Northeast Regional Campus in Jonesboro, is always willing to pitch in wherever needed.

August 5, 2020

Dental Clinic Staff Volunteer at UAMS’ COVID Screening Stations

Yavonda Chase

Numerous UAMS employees volunteered to work at the employee and patient screening stations around campus. These screening stations play an important role in keeping employees, students and patients safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When COVID-19 appeared in Arkansas in March, it affected all operations at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, including the UAMS Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation Oral Health Clinic. As the clinic shifted to providing only urgent care procedures as directed by the Arkansas Department of Health, leadership in the College of Health Professions…

July 21, 2020

Art from the Heart Celebrates Creativity of Team UAMS

Yavonda Chase

Gohar Azhar, M.D., submitted two pieces for the Art from the Heart exhibit, including "Together." Twenty members of Team UAMS submitted artwork for the exhibit, which was presented via Zoom on July 9.

The second “Art from the Heart: Creative Works from Team UAMS” went virtual July 9 as about 60 people tuned in to celebrate the creativity of UAMS employees and students.

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