
April 24, 2020

UAMS Names Time-Sensitive COVID-19 Grant Awardees

David Robinson

Collage of COVID Research Awardees

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Division of Research and Innovation today announced six recipients of its Time-Sensitive COVID-19 funding awards. The one-year grants of up to $50,000 each will enable the UAMS researchers and their collaborators to launch research projects that advance understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic, contribute to better clinical practices,…

Gardening Community Steps in to Keep UAMS Beautiful

Katrina Dupins


The tulips on the main campus of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) were just starting to bloom when the COVID-19 pandemic reached Arkansas. In this time of anxiety about the future, the flowers’ beauty did not go unnoticed. “There was so much concern and uncertainty,” said UAMS Landscape Manager Penny Talbert. “Many…

April 21, 2020

UAMS Nurses, Respiratory Therapists Help New York City with COVID-19

Ben Boulden

UAMS Medical Center CEO Steppe Mette, M.D., right, at the main entrance to the medical center speaks to the nurses and respiratory therapists volunteering to go to New York City to help care for COVID-19 patients.

Megan Witzke, R.N., didn’t wait a New York minute to get in touch with her team once she read the names of the other UAMS nurses with whom she would be traveling to help treat COVID-19 patients.

April 17, 2020

UAMS Provides COVID-19 Mobile Triage Evaluation to Forrest City, Delta

Ben Boulden

UAMS Chancellor Cam Patterson, second from left, talks with Forrest City Mayor Cedric Williams, far right, and State Rep. Reginald Murdock, second from right, April 16 in Forrest City.

As one who has recovered from COVID-19, state Rep. Reginald Murdock, of Marianna,  knows the importance of the COVID-19 screening and testing UAMS provided April 16 to Forrest City residents. “The citizens are doing the right thing by making sure they get screened and tested, so we can continue to try to slam this curve…

April MVPs — Team UAMS

Yavonda Chase

This month, we recognize Team UAMS. YOU are this month's MVP!

It wasn’t possible to select one person as April’s MVP. ALL of you have done amazing, heroic work these past few weeks. So this month, we are recognizing all of Team UAMS as the MVP of the Month. Thank you for everything YOU are doing to care for Arkansans during this COVID-19 pandemic.

April 16, 2020

New Repository Helps Faculty Stay on Tenure Track During COVID-19


Carol Thrush, Ed.D. with research poster

Before Arkansas had its first COVID-19 case, the reality of the impending pandemic was already setting in for UAMS faculty as cancellations for scientific conferences worldwide were announced one after another like falling dominos. For scientists and academics, presenting to their peers at conferences is one of the main ways other than publications that they…

April 15, 2020

UAMS Students Collect Personal Protective Equipment for Health Care Workers

David Wise

Student PPE Donations

LITTLE ROCK – Students from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in both central Arkansas and Northwest Arkansas are collecting personal protective equipment (PPE) to distribute to health care workers throughout the state. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a critical national shortage of masks, surgical gowns and eye gear desperately needed by doctors,…

April 13, 2020

Pathology Chair Jennifer Hunt, M.D., Voted Outstanding Woman Faculty


Portrait of Dr. Hunt

Jennifer Hunt, M.D., has been voted Outstanding Woman Faculty 2020 by her peers at UAMS as a leader, mentor and nationally recognized champion for women in medicine. Hunt is chair of the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Sciences in the College of Medicine at UAMS. In addition to mentoring individual students and faculty, she has…

Four Tips for Effectively Working from Home

Yavonda Chase

When working from home, create a designated workspace.

With a number of our employees working from home, the Employee Assistance Program has a few tips to help make the experience less stressful and more productive.

April 8, 2020

Seven Receive Inaugural Team Science Awards

David Robinson

Carolyn Greene, Ph.D., who directs TRI's Team Science Program, discusses the program at TRI's fall 2019 planning retreat.

The UAMS Translational Research Institute today announced its first Team Science Voucher Program recipients. The voucher program aims to increase the quantity, quality and effectiveness of cross-disciplinary research at UAMS. Awards of up to $50,000 went to seven UAMS teams from a pool of 26 applications. A study section (group) of 10 UAMS faculty reviewers…

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