OB/GYN Patient Stories

Patient stories from our OB/GYN department

June 27, 2014

Preemie Success Stories Displayed on UAMS ‘Wall of Hope’

Kelly Gardner

The success of the UAMS neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can be told with statistics, but numbers can’t convey the hope that has been put on display. At a ceremony in the UAMS Medical Center, families with children who were treated in the UAMS NICU helped unveil a photographic display called the Wall of Hope….

June 19, 2014

UAMS Uses Little-Known Procedure to Save New Mom

Kelly Gardner

When 22-year-old Christina Gillihan left Searcy in an ambulance bound for UAMS on July 28, she and members of her family were hoping for a miracle. In the days and weeks after her daughter Kyra’s birth July 2 at a local hospital, Christina developed a blood clot in a main artery of her lung, then…

May 30, 2014

Myton Wants World to Hear Her Story of Hope

Kelly Gardner

“With the help of UAMS we’re moving forward and not slowing down a bit.” “Without the strong relationship I have with God, I have my doubts that I ever could’ve gotten through this,” said Myton, a guidance counselor at Parkview Arts & Science Magnet High School in Little Rock. “I feel like it’s my duty…

December 17, 2013

A Little Fighter

Kelly Gardner

The UAMS Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a familiar place for Susan Bryant, R.N. As a NICU nurse, she sees and cares for babies who entered the world too early and are fighting to survive. However, this familiar scene became an unfamiliar one when it was her own son in one of the isolettes. Bryant…

October 9, 2013

Fibroids Procedure Doesn’t Slow Runner Down

Kelly Gardner

An avid runner and Zumba teacher, Kanisha Caesar was the picture of perfect health. So when she began experiencing intense pain one  spring, she knew something wasn’t right. Caesar was accustomed to experiencing some cramping at the beginning of her monthly cycle. But after almost six consecutive days of serious pain, she decided to visit an…

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