
November 13, 2019

UAMS Scientist Shows Brain Sugar Malfunction in Alzheimer’s, Gains National Attention


Dr. Barger in lab

Steven Barger, Ph.D. — a researcher at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) — has entered the national spotlight for showing how the mechanism that brings sugar to the brain malfunctions in people with Alzheimer’s disease, highlighting a potential target for treatment. The study also explains why Alzheimer’s can mimic the symptoms of…

November 1, 2019

Infection Expert Part of $5.6 Million Grant for Bone Regeneration Technology


Portrait of Dr. Smeltzer in office

UAMS researcher Mark Smeltzer, Ph.D., is applying his expertise in bone disease and infection to a $5.6 million project for the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) aimed at making the technology to re-grow bone available for the military and the public. The grant was awarded to Alex Biris, Ph.D., chief scientist at the Center for…

October 25, 2019

Year-End Funds from Chancellor Benefit Researchers

Ben Boulden

Maroof Zafar, center, discusses his research during a poster presentation at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Oct. 25, 2019 | The end of the last fiscal year brought $301,828 in total funds and new beginnings to some members of the UAMS research community, assisting with pilot grants, travel expenses and new equipment. Chancellor Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, released the year-end funds to the Office of Research to make the awards possible….

October 17, 2019

Research into Baby Biomechanics Shows Issues with Infant Inclined Sleepers


Portrait of Dr. Mannen

Groundbreaking research on inclined sleep products for infants by Erin Mannen, Ph.D., a baby biomechanics expert and mechanical engineer at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), was made public Wednesday as part of a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission investigation into their safety and related rulemaking. “Over the course of a year-long study,…

Division’s Team Building Good for ‘Silo’ Prevention

Ben Boulden

Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine stop for a photo with the blue tarp they used during a team building exercise.

The Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine staff gathered Oct. 8 to problem solve and have fun to ensure that strong communication and coordination between them stays strong. The team building workshop brought together about 20 members who ordinarily are split up working in three different buildings across campus. The Organizational Development Division of UAMS Human…

UAMS Researcher Pinpoints Immune System Cause for Autism Subtype


Dr. Harville at hood

Researcher Terry Harville, M.D., Ph.D., of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), has published a major study that for the first time links autism spectrum disorder to a specific genetic variation affecting the immune system. The study, published in the Frontiers of Psychiatry, found that a genetically inherited immune type HLA-Cw7 was present…

October 8, 2019

Research Collaboration Crosses Basic Science, Clinical Boundaries

Susan Van Dusen

NCI R01 collaborators

Biomedical research does not exist in a vacuum. To succeed, scientists must work together by combining resources and ideas in new and innovative ways.

October 3, 2019

Jia Liu, Ph.D., Honored as Community Champion, Receives $10,000

Ben Boulden

Jia Liu, Ph.D., right, and Shuk-mei Ho, Ph.D., hold up a large facsimile of a $10,000 check in celebration of the donation from the River Valley Ovarian Cancer Alliance.

Oct. 3, 2019 | It’s been a time of accolades for UAMS researcher Jia Liu, Ph.D., an assistant professor in the UAMS College of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology. In June, she was awarded $10,000 in research funds by the River Valley Ovarian Cancer Alliance, an advocacy group based in Fort Smith, Arkansas that…

September 25, 2019

Research Induction Ceremony Launches Graduate Students’ Path to Ph.D.

Linda Haymes

Twenty-five UAMS Graduate School students from seven programs received white lab coats Sept. 16, signaling their readiness to begin doctoral research.

Twenty-five UAMS Graduate School students from seven programs received white lab coats Sept. 16, signaling their readiness to begin doctoral research. The donning of new research coats embroidered with their name to celebrate their pursuit of doctoral degrees may seem like a transformative moment happening in an instant. In reality, a lot of work took…

September 5, 2019

UAMS Researcher Receives $2.5 Million Grant for HIV Education


Portrait of Sockwell near painting

Latunja Sockwell, a researcher at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), has received a $2.5 million federal grant to expand HIV and hepatitis C prevention education among African American men and women with a history of criminal justice involvement and substance abuse, especially opioid abuse. The five-year grant comes from the Substance Abuse…

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