College of Medicine

September 14, 2020

UAMS Unveils Drs. Paulette and Jay Mehta Award in Creative Writing

Yavonda Chase

Jawahar “Jay” Mehta, M.D., Ph.D., and Paulette Mehta, M.D., M.P.H., have created the Drs. Paulette and Jay Mehta Award in Creative Writing to encourage creative expression at UAMS.

A belief in creative expression and a desire to encourage it amongst their colleagues is the reason the Mehtas donated $50,000 to UAMS to create the Drs. Paulette and Jay Mehta Award in Creative Writing.

Lactation Consultants Help Set Up Mom, Baby for Success

News Staff

Nurses in hall

Having a baby is one of those life markers a mom typically reflects on fondly, though some women experience nine months of discomfort and a difficult labor and recovery. Then there’s breastfeeding, which for some moms has its own set of trials, starting with the baby not latching correctly, cracked nipples or insufficient milk production….

September 10, 2020

Heart Researchers Uncover Simple Tool to Quickly Diagnose Normal vs. Abnormal Rapid Heartbeat

News Staff

Dr. Paydak and Dr. Kovelamudi outdoors

A team of heart researchers at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) has determined a new way to diagnose a dangerous heart rhythm issue using easily understandable graphs. Their findings were published as a case study in JAMA Internal Medicine, and they are working on follow-up research to further explore their findings. The…

September 9, 2020

SUPER Project Introduces Undergrads to Community-Based Research, Health Disparities

News Staff

Group shot of students with masks

Nine undergraduate students attended the SUPER Project Summer Institute in community-based research and health disparities in early August to prepare for health careers where they hope to make a difference in underserved communities. This allows them to conduct research with the guidance of mentors at their home institution and at UAMS as part of SUPER…

September 4, 2020

COVID-19 Course for Medical Students Published for International Audience

News Staff

Zoom shot of researchers and teachers

Imagine teaching a class while using a new technology and the details of the lesson keep changing right up until the last second – all while student and teacher alike are experiencing massive disruptions in their personal lives. The professors at UAMS tasked with teaching the online COVID-19 course for the year three and year…

September 3, 2020

Erika Petersen, M.D., First Female Neurosurgeon Named Professor in Arkansas

News Staff

Portrait of Dr. Petersen

Erika Petersen, M.D., didn’t set out to become the first female neurosurgeon to be promoted to the rank of full professor in Arkansas. “If you had asked me to predict a few things in my life, that wouldn’t have been one of them. I would not have predicted being in Arkansas for 10 years. I…

September 2, 2020

UAMS Lung Cancer Researcher Contributes to Publication of Validation Protocols for Liquid Biopsy to Detect Cancer

Susan Van Dusen

Donald J. Johann, M.D.

Donald J. Johann, M.D., a lung cancer researcher at the Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), played an integral role in the publication of research related to liquid biopsy tests, or blood tests, for cancer.

August 31, 2020

UAMS Opens Additional Organ Transplant Clinic in Freeway Medical Tower

News Staff

Nurse and patient looking at brochure

The Multi-Disciplinary Organ Transplant Team at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) has expanded to an additional location at Freeway Medical Tower for greater convenience of care. The clinic is located on the seventh floor, Suite 7-100, of the Freeway Medical Tower, 5800 W. 10th St., just off Interstate 630. It expands the…

August 28, 2020

UAMS Opens Epilepsy & Neurology Clinic in Freeway Medical Tower

News Staff

Group photo of neurology doctors

The UAMS Health Epilepsy and Neurology Clinic has opened in Freeway Medical Tower, offering comprehensive care from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) for epilepsy and multiple sclerosis in a convenient Midtown location. The clinic is located in Suite 605 of the Freeway Medical Tower, 5800 W. 10th St., just off Interstate 630….

August 27, 2020

UAMS-Based Investigators Receive $39 Million Grant Renewal to Coordinate Multistate Clinical Trials in Infants & Children

News Staff

Portrait of Drs. Lee and Snowden

The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) has been awarded $39 million from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to continue to oversee an 18-site pediatric clinical trial network that provides children in medically underserved or rural areas access to clinical studies on environmental influences on early development. The Data Coordinating and Operations Center…

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